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Ancient Greece (2000-500BC) Chapter 8. Geography  Located in 1)southeastern Europe  It’s a 2)peninsula that extends into the 3)Mediterranean Sea  The.

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1 Ancient Greece (2000-500BC) Chapter 8

2 Geography  Located in 1)southeastern Europe  It’s a 2)peninsula that extends into the 3)Mediterranean Sea  The country is 4)mountainous

3 Geography  5)Forests fill some areas of Greece  Much of Greece is 6)stony and suitable only for 7)pasturage  Other areas are suitable for growing:  8)Wheat  9)Barley  10)Citrus  11)Dates  12)Olives

4 Geography  Ancient Greece is divided into 13)3 geographical regions:  14)Northern  15)Central  16)The Peloponnese

5 Geography  17)20% of Greece is made up of 18)islands  19)Crete is a large island located in the 20)Mediterranean Sea  Most of the 21)people in Greece live along the 22)coast

6 Geography  Due to 23)terrain it was very difficult to get from place to place 24)overland  They 25)developed into a nation of 26)sailors  They 27)sailed around the Mediterranean setting up 28)colonies and 29)outposts

7 Mind Map  Your topic is Geography of Greece  Fill in all of the bubbles  Make sure to use four or less words

8 Minoans  The Minoan civilization was a 30)Bronze Age civilization  It developed on the island of 31)Crete  It flourished from around 32)2000 BC to 33)1400 BC  The Minoan 34)king lived in the capital city of 35)Knossos

9 Minoans  His 36)palace was a maze with 37)1500 rooms  This was a very 38)advanced civilization.  They had running 39)water and indoor 40)plumbing

10 Minoans  They did have a 41)written language  They also created 42)paintings on the walls of the palace at 43)Knossos  These depicted the 44)daily life of the people that included:  45)Starfish and water scenes  Boys and girls jumping over 46)bulls

11 Minoans  Around 1700 BC an 47)earthquake hit Crete.  Most of the 48)Minoan civilization was 49)destroyed.  They 50)rebuilt most of their civilization  Around 1500 BC a 51)volcano erupted near the island of Crete  52)Tidal waves followed the eruption.

12 Minoans  The civilization 53)disappeared from the island of 54)Crete  The ancient 55)Greeks loved to tell stories about the ancient 56)Minoans  The 57)Minotaur was a major part of the 58)stories  They were 59)believed to have lived on the 60)island of Crete long, long ago.

13 Mind Map  Your topic is Minoans  Fill in all of the bubbles  Make sure to use four or less words

14 Mycenaean  The Mycenaean age is sometimes called the “61)Heroic Age” or The Age of Heroes  By the late 62)1400s BC they become the 63)dominate civilization in the region  This would last until around 64)1250 BC

15 Mycenaean  They built their palaces on 65)hilltops  By building on hilltops they caught what 66)rainwater they could  They learned from 67)experience that if you drank 68)dirty water, you got sick or 69)died

16 Mycenaean  They were 70)warriors  They often 71)attacked other civilization in the region  They attacked the city of 72)Troy  Around 1200 BC the 73)empire starts to 74)decline

17 Mycenaean  Again 75)earthquakes destroy many 76)cities  Invaders from 77)Europe swept through 78)Greece  This is the beginning of the 79)Dark Age

18 Mind Map  Your topic is Mycenaean  Fill in all of the bubbles  Make sure to use four or less words

19 Rise of Democracy  Greece is the 80)birth place of 81)democracy  The word means “rule of the 82)people”  Around 500BC 83)Cleisthenes comes to power in Greece  The 84)form of self government was the greatest 85)achievement of ancient Greece

20 Rise of Democracy  Cleistenes is known as the 86)father of democracy  Under his 87)rule all citizens had the 88)right to participate in the 89)assembly  Speeches were made on 90)political issues  91)Voting was done by raise of 92)hand

21 Rise of Democracy  People would 93)vote daily on different 94)issues  The number of 95)people changed everyday  As the 96)assembly grew it became difficult to make 97)decisions

22 Rise of Democracy  Athenians decided to select 97)citizens to be city officials  These people served on a small 98)council  This allowed 99)government to run more 100)efficiently

23 Mind Map  Your topic is Rise of Democracy  Fill in all of the bubbles  Make sure to use four or less words

24 Changing Athenian Democracy  Under this 101)government the people became very 102)powerful  103)Pericles came to power in 460BC  He 104)encouraged the people to take 105)pride in their cities

25 Changing Athenian Democracy  Promoted participation in 106)politics  He 107)paid those who served in 108)public offices  He encouraged people to 109)spread the idea of 110)democracy

26 End of First Democracy  Athens is 111)conquered by the 112)Macedonians in the mid 330s BC  Athenian 113)democracy stayed but was 114)limited  The 115)assembly still met and made 116)laws  By the 320s BC this form of democracy 117)disappeared

27 Mind Map  Your topic is Changing Athenian Democracy  Fill in all of the bubbles  Make sure to use four or less words

28 Direct vs. Representative Democracy  In 118)direct democracy each 119)citizens participate directly in the 120)government  Each person’s 121)decision directly affects the outcome of a 122)vote

29 Direct vs. Representative Democracy  Under 123)Representative Democracy 124)citizens elect officials to represent them in the 125)government  This is the 126)form that we use in the 127)United States  Brainpop- Democracy Brainpop- Democracy

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