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Working With Adjunct Faculty Greater than the Sum of the Parts: The Full-time/Adjunct Faculty Team Amanda Julson Blinn College Bryan, TX.

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Presentation on theme: "Working With Adjunct Faculty Greater than the Sum of the Parts: The Full-time/Adjunct Faculty Team Amanda Julson Blinn College Bryan, TX."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working With Adjunct Faculty Greater than the Sum of the Parts: The Full-time/Adjunct Faculty Team Amanda Julson Blinn College Bryan, TX

2 Synergy “A synergy is where two or more things applied together have a greater or significantly different effect than the sum of effects of the things applied separately.”

3 Institution/Department Philosophy Academic freedom “Anything Goes” Consistency between sections “Cookie Cutter”/lockstep

4 Job description (FT vs. PT/adjunct) –Duties (beyond teaching) Institutional Departmental –Performance evaluation –Decision-making Textbook/lab materials Departmental policies and procedures Schedules/course assignments –Professional development requirements/opportunities

5 Numbers How many FT vs. PT adjunct? How many different courses/sections of each course? –Teaching load –Scope of program lab materials (curation) $ (can PT/adjunct earn a living)?

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