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Urban scale assessment in CAFE Roel van Aalst with support from Peter Bruckmann, Juergen Schneider, Martin Williams.

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Presentation on theme: "Urban scale assessment in CAFE Roel van Aalst with support from Peter Bruckmann, Juergen Schneider, Martin Williams."— Presentation transcript:

1 Urban scale assessment in CAFE Roel van Aalst with support from Peter Bruckmann, Juergen Schneider, Martin Williams

2 Auto-Oil II study JRC study: 10 cities; some episodes; actual emissions; detailed state-of-the art modelling; representativeness and comparability poor EEA study: 170 cities; full years; estimated emissions; simple modelling; representativeness moderate; comparability good

3 Results EEA study Urban population exposed in 1995 and 2010 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% PM10 NO2 Benzene O3 SO2 Pb CO 1995 2010

4 Urban Assessment Work is ongoing at JRC, IIASA, EEA and in EUROTRAC ….but no shared vision exists on Main objectives Results Clients

5 Objectives and clients Demonstrating the feasibility of attaining proposed objectives (Commission) Providing guidance and support to Member States for implementation of air quality Directives (Member States) Assessing health impacts (CLRTAP, WHO)

6 Demonstration Provide the Commission with the information needed to demonstrate the feasibility of attaining proposed objectives and targets and to identify the most effective balance between local and European-wide measures.

7 Demonstration Effectiveness of measures (European, national, urban/local) needs to be assessed. No need for optimization

8 Demonstration How to include hotspots and streets? Suggestion: select a limited number of example situations where exceedances may be expected effectiveness of measures with respect to these example sites should be applicable to other sites of the same kind

9 Guidance and support Assessment techniques Representative urban monitoring Urban emission inventories Urban air pollution modelling Urban scenarios Evaluating costs and effectiveness of urban measures

10 Guidance and support Common specification of outputs and output format to report to Commission, rather than elaborating on harmonization of assessment methods. Toolbox of appropriate urban air pollution models and methodology to couple them with large scale models and/or to introduce regional background levels.

11 Health impact assessment WHO leads Data mainly from urban background stations Involvement of other projects: APHEA, APHEIS, AIRNET and others Output: health impact indicators (see workshop announcements)

12 Latest EEA indicator

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