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SiD Concept – R&D Needs Andy White U. Texas at Arlington SiD Concept Meeting LCWS06 Bangalore, India March 11, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "SiD Concept – R&D Needs Andy White U. Texas at Arlington SiD Concept Meeting LCWS06 Bangalore, India March 11, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 SiD Concept – R&D Needs Andy White U. Texas at Arlington SiD Concept Meeting LCWS06 Bangalore, India March 11, 2006

2 Overview - For each area of SiD: - What has been developed? - What R&D is underway? - What is needed? - What is the timeline? Many opportunities for people to join SiD R&D!!

3 SiD

4 Vertex/Tracking Detector

5 Vertex Detector Silicon on Insulator Sensor technology development Materials R&D

6 Vertex Detector – mechanics Cable openings Sensors CF cylinder CF end ring Fastener opening Bill Cooper - Fermilab

7 Vertex Detector The main goal is a reasonably detailed overall detector system design in order to understand the relevance of the performance parameters to guide R&D. Sensor Technology Mechanical Design Readout Electronics and Services Beam Pipe Cooling Su Dong

8 Tracking Detector


10 SLAC-Oregon-UC Davis-BNL Si-W ECal R&D David Strom Effective 4 x 4 mm 2

11 11 Preliminary results on SiD studies - Meshing - Locations of the beam (placed at the corners of the Si hexagons) The threaded fasteners are not in the model (worst case study). Node (connection between shell and beam) 2 mm Shell Beam 6 ddl connected (no gap) Top view on the ¼ module Si hexagon Annecy

12 Electromagnetic Calorimetry - Wafer testing (U.Oregon) - ECal module assembly (SLAC/Oregon) - Mechanical design (Annecy) - ECal overall design for SiD - KPix readout development (SLAC)

13 Hadron Calorimetry Three approaches: 1)Digital HCal using Gas Electron Multiplier technology 2) Digital HCal using Resistive Plate Chambers 3) Analog/sem-digital using Scintillator/SiPM’s Plus…development of readout electronics. Plus…a need for more detailed simulations and algorithm development for Particle Flow approach.

14 Hadron Calorimeter – digital GEM 500 channel/5- layer test 30x30cm 2 foils Details of new 30cm x 30cm foils from 3M (1) Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) – based DHCAL

15 Hadron Calorimeter – digital GEM Average multiplicity = 1.27 Cross talk studies MIP Efficiency Energy Deposit MIP Efficiency study Assembly techniques for large scale GEM layers Goal: Test beam at Fermilab 2007

16 “Thick-GEM’s” - TGEM’s made by standard drilling of PCB, including removal of O(100µm) around hole to allow higher voltage use. - Now evaluating samples from A.Breskin – Weizman Inst.

17 Hadron Calorimeter – digital GEM Opportunities: - Large scale chamber assembly and cosmic testing - Preparations for test beam(s) - Gas system design - HCal design for SiD with GEM-DHCAL - Simulation for test beam and PFA

18 Hadron Calorimeter – digital RPC (2) Resistive Plate Chamber-based DHCAL Signal Pad Mylar sheet Aluminum foil 1.1mm Glass sheet Resistive paint 1.2mm gas gap -HV GND Charged particles

19 Hadron Calorimeter – digital RPC AIR4 Note the scale difference! “RPC’s totally understood - ready to build RPCs for the 1m3 test beam section” Goal: Test beam at Fermilab 2007

20 Hadron Calorimeter – Readout Common to RPC and GEM (400,000 channels/module) Gary Drake (ANL) 40 unpackaged chips in hand Tests started: digital part tested: OK, analog tests next. 1) R/O for test beam only 2) Towards a final R/O design: KPix M.Breidenbach (SLAC) First prototype under test

21 Hadron Calorimeter – digital RPC Opportunities: - Large scale chamber assembly (ANL) - Preparations for test beam(s) - Gas system design (MTBF) - HCal design for SiD with RPC-DHCAL (ANL) - Simulation for test beam and PFA - Low angle regions/transition to very forward detectors

22 Hadron Calorimeter - Scintillator SiPM Full 1m 3 prototype stack – with SiPM readout. Goal is for CERN/Fermilab test beams exposure in Fall 2006/Spring 2007

23 Fermilab Beam Tests Support structure being provided by DESY for test beam at Fermilab - GEM/RPC and Scintillator all have needs for people to help with many aspects of the beam tests: - HV system/Gas system/DAQ…

24 Muon system/Tail Catcher - Open questions: - Depth? - How much to instrument? - Use same technology as Hadron Calorimeter? - What role does muon identification in the HCal play? - Do we need a tail catcher? - Choice of technologies: Scintillator or RPC?

25 Muon Technologies Scintillator-based muon system development Extruded scintillator strips with wavelength shifting fibers. Readout: Multi-anode PMTs GOAL: 2.5m x 1.25m planes for Fermilab test beam U.S. Collaboration

26 Muon Technologies European – CaPiRe Collaboration TB @ Frascati

27 Putting it all together… - Overall design - Full detector performance - Detector/interaction region issues

28 Integrated Detector Design Tracking system EM Cal HAD Cal Muon system/ tail catcher VXD tag b,c jets

29 Detector Open with Full Access to Inner Detector Outer tracker Inner detector

30 Other areas with R&D needs - Superconducting Coil – CMS style conductor - Forward Plenty of interesting and challenging R&D on the SiD Detector Concept – come and join us!

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