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High Plains Eco-region of Texas

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1 High Plains Eco-region of Texas

2 Location Pan Handle Of Texas
North West Texas but stretches down more toward west Texas Altitude ft above sea level Separated by Rolling Plains Mainly plateaus

3 Pictures of location

4 Precipitation Dry not much rain 15”to 22” of rain per year
Precipitates in the form of mostly rain Get droughts often Wind Speeds average 13.5 mph

5 Precipitation of High Plains

6 Temperatures Winter Mild Temperatures about 30-40 degrees Summer
Hot and dry Winter Mild Temperatures about 30-40 degrees Average Temperatures

7 Temperatures of High Plains
Winter Summer

8 Soil Northern High Plains Soil A thick dark surface
Green is northern high plains soil Northern High Plains Soil A thick dark surface Holds additional organic matter Fertile Better for crops Southern High Plains Soil partly sandy Clay enriched High in fertility Grey is southern High Plain soil

9 Soils Northern High Plain Soil Southern High Plain Soil

10 Land Forms The land is mainly flat Plateaus
The Canadian River passes through the High Plains The Palo Duro Canyons are a popular tourist spot in the High Plains Plateaus Canadian River Palo Durp Canyons

11 More Land Forms Playas are little water holes in the ground they can be found in the High Plains of Texas. There are also Grasslands in some parts of the High Plains

12 Plants Wide diversity of plants Grasses Mesquite Juniper Shinnery Oak
Sand Sage Yucca

13 Animals Wintering waterfowl live in Playas
Immense herds of buffalo once thundered the Plains Wintering waterfowl live in Playas Pronghorn antelope once roamed the Plains Burrowing owls Pinyon Mouse

14 More Animals Mule Deer Thirteen lined Ground Squirrel

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