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Balance Symmetry Design. What is Graphic Design? Graphic design is the art of visual communication that involves the use of images, words, and ideas to.

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Presentation on theme: "Balance Symmetry Design. What is Graphic Design? Graphic design is the art of visual communication that involves the use of images, words, and ideas to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Balance Symmetry Design

2 What is Graphic Design? Graphic design is the art of visual communication that involves the use of images, words, and ideas to give information to the viewers. Graphic design can be used for advertising, or just for entertainment intended for the mind. + + =

3 Balance Designs in balance have the parts of the design arranged in a planned, coherent visual pattern. "Balance" is a concept based on human perception and the complex nature of the human senses of weight and proportion.

4 Balance Humans can evaluate these visual elements in a wide range of situations to determine a sense of balance.

5 BALANCE - SYMMETRY Balance is concerned with the distribution of visual interest -- what is where in a composition.

6 2 systems for controlling balance Symmetry >>> a mirror mage Asymmetry >>> without symmetry

7 BALANCE Balance is a skill that everyone uses almost all of their waking hours. It is balance that allows you to stand up and walk around.


9 Balance You balance your checkbook and hopefully find a balance between your academic and social life.

10 Balance Balance in design: similar Your physical sense of balance will play a part in your ability to balance the visual information in a composition.

11 Visual interest Is what you use to balance in design. Images Colors Text Symbols, Shapes

12 Visual interest It is the distribution of this interest that you need to control. Images/Graphics; Text content; Symbols, Shapes

13 Sample: Design a Cell Phone Sale Flyer

14 SYMMETRY The term symmetry comes from he Greek roots syn, meaning with or together And metron, meaning measure.

15 SYMMETRY Symmetry can occur in any orientation as long as the image is the same on either side of the central axis.




19 SYMMETRY This type of image has great appeal -- it makes for "good" shape relationship. Many people automatically gravitate to symmetry. We are symmetrical after all -- two eyes, two ears, etc..

20 SYMMETRY in Nature

21 Honeycomb Cell

22 Fish Scales

23 flower petals

24 Microscopic Level Cells of Biological tissues

25 Symmetry in Architecture




29 from

30 SYMMETRY Look around at consumer products and graphics (printed materials) to see how many use symmetry. You will find that it is the dominant organizational concept.

31 SYMMETRICAL BALANCE A vertical axis is required to achieve balance with symmetry.

32 Part of the reason is that we have struggled throughout our lives to perfect our balance in order to stand, walk, ride a bike, etc..

33 SYMMETRICAL BALANCE To do this we must have exactly the same weight on both sides of our bodies. Our axis of symmetry is vertical and this makes a good model for symmetry in visual information.

34 SYMMETRICAL BALANCE Symmetrical balance is also called formal balance –because a form (formula) is used -- a mirror image about a vertical axis. –The results look formal, organized and orderly.



37 1. Symmetrical / Asymmetrical

38 Asymmetrical

39 2. Symmetrical / Asymmetrical

40 Asymmetrical

41 3. Symmetrical / Asymmetrical

42 Symmetrical

43 4. Symmetrical / Asymmetrical

44 Asymmetrical

45 5. Symmetrical / Asymmetrical

46 Symmetrical


48 Asymmetrical




52 Symmetrical




56 Asymmetrical


58 Symmetrical






64 Asymmetrical



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