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Lymphatic System Graphic Organizer Need pencil (NO PENS!)

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1 Lymphatic System Graphic Organizer Need pencil (NO PENS!)

2 I Lymphatic System: lymph nodes, lymph vessels, spleen, tonsils, red bone marrow Lysozyme found in upper respiratory Tract and opening around eyes (tears, mucus) Traps microbes in membranes Ex. Interferons - secreted by Virus infected cBells, causes other Cells to produce chemicals to Inhibit viral reproduction 1. Edema (swelling ) Lymphocytes – Antibodies - proteins that attack 2. Redness 3. Pain 4. Increased blood flow A.A. B C I.

3 I Lymphatic System Ex. Interferons - secreted by Virus infected cBells, causes other Cells to produce chemicals to Inhibit viral reproduction Lymphocytes – Antibodies - proteins that attack B cells T cells antigens (foreign molecules ) A.A. B C II A I.

4 II B Location where Returns fluid from interstitial spaces leukocytes develop Neutrophils : 60%-70% of all WBC (leukocytes), short lived, phagocytic Monocytes: 5% of WBC, phagocytic, develop into macrophages, long- lived, migrate or stay in specific tissues

5 Eosinophils: 1.5%, attack parasitic invaders Natural killer cells: type of lymphocyte, destroy virus infected body cells, attack the infected body cell’s membrane causing it to lyse.

6 II. C. – F. Inflammatory response continued... II. Injured cells release chemicals: C. Histamine - causes dilation of blood vessels and increases permeability of capillaries D.Prostaglandins – promote blood flow (stimulate smooth muscle contractions in blood vessels) triggers inflamation

7 II. C. – F. Inflammatory response continued... E. Fever - low-grade fever (101F) helps with defense by inhibiting growth of viruses, bacteria, fungi. - high fevers (112F) denature enzymes and result in cell death. F. Septic shock - caused by a large systemic inflammatory response - high fever - low blood pressure (heart stops).

8 III. Development of lymphocytes A.Lymphocytes are Two types: Found: Develops in: T cells (develop in thymus) B cells (develop in bone marrow) white blood cells (1 of the 5 kinds of wbc).

9 III. Development of lymphocytes Found: B. B cells and T cells must distinguish self from nonself, if not: - Develops in: C. Both B and T cells have specific develop autoimmune diseases, have no self tolerance. antigen receptors.

10 A.= B cell B. = Helper T cell C.= Memory Helper T cell D.= Cytotoxic T cell IV. Humoral (in the blood) Immune Response

11 V. Functioning of cytotoxic T cells 1.Infected cells displays antigens (foreign marker) using a Class I MHC molecule and *major histocompatibility complex or MHC. T cells bind to the MHC antigen complex.

12 V. Functioning of cytotoxic T cells 2.Tc (T cell) releases perforin which creates pores in the membrane of the infected cell. 3.Water and ions flow into infected cells and the cell blows up (lysis).

13 VI. Antigenic determinants Antibodies - A. Active immunity - immunity from an infectious disease or vaccination. B. Passive immunity - mother passes antibodies to fetus through the placenta; mother to child via breast milk. a group of proteins called Immunoglobulins; IgH, IgI, etc.

14 VI. Antigen determinants C. Blood type: type A bloodcontains A antigens type B bloodcontains B antigens type AB blood contains A and B antigens type O bloodcontains no antigens D. Rh factor can cause fetus RBC’s to be destroyed (mother Rh- & child Rh+ = birth problem!). *blood contains antibodies to fight foreign antigens after a transfusion

15 VII. Stages of HIV infection 1. 2. 3. AIDS; Death in 1-2 yrs; no vaccine.

16 VIII. Summary of the immune responses A. Involves B cell activation with the production of antibodies. Defends against: 1.Free bacteria. 2.Toxins (blowfish toxin). 3. Viruses in body fluids (Influenza).

17 VIII. Summary of the immune responses B. Involves cytotoxic T cell activation Defends against: 1. Cells infected by virus or bacteria. 2.Fungi. 3.Protozoa (Amoeba). 4.Parasitic worms (roundworms, hookworms).

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