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Session 3 Notes I.a. refers to the internal structures I.b. refers to the external appearance II. Primary Growth a. up and down i. apical meristem.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 3 Notes I.a. refers to the internal structures I.b. refers to the external appearance II. Primary Growth a. up and down i. apical meristem."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 3 Notes I.a. refers to the internal structures I.b. refers to the external appearance II. Primary Growth a. up and down i. apical meristem


3 Main Functions of a leaves 1.Photosynthesis 2.Water Evaporation 3.Gas Exchange 4.Storage – ex. Spinach (yum… ) Stem Petiole Blade

4 LEAVES - Morphology

5 LEAVES - Anatomy

6 Top of Leaf Cuticle Epidermis Bottom of Leaf Guard Cell Parenchyma Stoma Vein 1.Cuticle 2.Parenchyma 3.Stoma 4.Guard Cells 5.Vascular Bundle (Vein)

7 Main Functions of a stems 1.Support 2.Photosynthesis 3.Helps Transport water and nutrients 4.Storage – ex. Asparagus (yum… ) Axillary Bulb Node Leaf Primordia Apical Meristem Region 1.Apical Meristem 2.Axilary Bud

8 STEMS - morphology

9 STEMS - Anatomy

10 Epidermis Cortex (parenchyma) Phloem Pith (parenchyma) Vascular Bundles Xylem 1.Xylem 2.Phloem

11 Main Functions of a root 1.Below ground support (anchor) 2.Absorption of water and minerals from soil 3.Helps Transport water and nutrients through xylem 4.Storage – ex. Carrots are roots and store sugar making them sweet (yum… )

12 ROOTS - Morphology

13 ROOTS - Anatomy


15 II. Secondary Growth a.Increase in Girth (thickness) i.1. Apical Meristem b. Lateral Meristem i. Vascular Cambium



18 vi. In Trees: 1.Wood 2.Bark

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