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Saturn By: Brandee Crews Megan Dunn Dajour Davis.

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Presentation on theme: "Saturn By: Brandee Crews Megan Dunn Dajour Davis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Saturn By: Brandee Crews Megan Dunn Dajour Davis

2 Physical Characteristics Second largest planet in the solar system, after Jupiter. Volume 764 times that of Earth, but only 95 times more massive Chemical composition primarily hydrogen and helium, thus accounting for its low density

3 Rings Saturn's main ring system would barely fit in the space between Earth and its Moon Ring names are alphabetical in order of their discovery B ring often contains radial spokes of dust-sized material; their appearance changes with time as they appear, change and disappear frequently "Cassini Division" between the B ring and A ring is sparsely populated with ring material

4 Moons Saturn has 33 known moons, 15 of which were discovered after Cassini launched Titan is the largest of Saturn's moons, and is larger than the planets Mercury and Pluto

5 Video

6 Quiz 1.) Which planet is Saturn from the sun? a. 1 b. 6 c. 10 d. 8 2.) What gases is Saturn mostly made of? a. hydrogen & helium b. nitrogen & oxygen c. carbon monoxide & hydrogen d. nitrogen & helium

7 Quiz 3.) How many times greater is it’s volume compared to earth? a. 50 b. 26 c. 65 d. 755 4.) How many Earth’s is Saturn big enough to hold? a. 567 b. 760 c. 87 d. 1

8 Quiz 5.) Saturn is the root of what English word? a. Saturday b. Santa c. Sally d. England

9 Work Cited: Pictures 5TApUxrM:&imgrefurl= 162&dur=410&hovh=160&hovw=204&tx=160&ty=65&sig=114801969303772987552&page=1&tbnh=129&tbnw=158&start =0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:70 s-bHoZl-SM:&imgrefurl= saturn.html&docid=dsZPmh8jhdGirM&imgurl= &h=759&ei=G_WjUPqcO- SP0QHymICABw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=452&vpy=146&dur=2202&hovh=200&hovw=252&tx=112&ty=130&sig=114801969 303772987552&page=1&tbnh=138&tbnw=172&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0,i:78 ch&tbnid=YH3jpIM6E_gSGM:&imgrefurl= saturn.html&docid=dsZPmh8jhdGirM&imgurl= =752&h=960&ei=tvejUMzbEqbh0wHJtYDwAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=177&vpy=113&dur=1389&hovh=254&hovw=199&tx =105&ty=152&sig=114801969303772987552&page=1&tbnh=126&tbnw=98&start=0&ndsp=16&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0,i:72 8M:&imgrefurl= a/commons/thumb/3/39/Saturn,_Earth_size_comparison.jpg/220px- Saturn,_Earth_size_comparison.jpg&w=220&h=191&ei=G_ijUOujD5Kv0AHM- IE4&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=260&vpy=321&dur=119&hovh=152&hovw=176&tx=93&ty=28&sig=114801969303772987552& page=1&tbnh=137&tbnw=137&start=0&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0,i:84

10 Work Cited: Pictures 6YvGM3wODKxeGM:&imgrefurl= saturn/&docid=jZq6pah4WKHG5M&imgurl= content/uploads/2011/05/Saturns_moons.gif&w=416&h=190&ei=ZfijUIipM8mE0QHsvoGYAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=991& vpy=162&dur=165&hovh=152&hovw=332&tx=288&ty=39&sig=114801969303772987552&page=1&tbnh=112&tbnw=245& start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0,i:84

11 Work Cited: Information

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