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SQL Server. اسکریپت درج مقدار در جدول USE Accounting; int; INSERT INTO Orders (CustomerNo,OrderDate, EmployeeID) VALUES (gETDATE,1); SELECT.

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Presentation on theme: "SQL Server. اسکریپت درج مقدار در جدول USE Accounting; int; INSERT INTO Orders (CustomerNo,OrderDate, EmployeeID) VALUES (gETDATE,1); SELECT."— Presentation transcript:

1 SQL Server

2 اسکریپت درج مقدار در جدول USE Accounting; DECLARE @Ident int; INSERT INTO Orders (CustomerNo,OrderDate, EmployeeID) VALUES (gETDATE,1); SELECT @Ident = @@IDENTITY; INSERT INTO OrderDetails (OrderID, PartNo, Description, UnitPrice, Qty) VALUES (@Ident, ‘2R2416’, ‘Cylinder Head’, 1300, 2); SELECT ‘The OrderID of the INSERTed row is ‘ + CONVERT(varchar(8),@Ident);

3 SET استفاده از  USE AdventureWorks2008;  DECLARE @Test money;  SET @Test = (SELECT MAX)UnitPrice) FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail)  SELECT @Test;

4 برای انتخاب SELECT استفاده از  USE AdventureWorks2008;  DECLARE @Test money;  SELECT @Test = MAX)UnitPrice) FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail;  SELECT @Test;

5 SQL Server چند متغیر سیستمی  @@ERROR  @@IDENTITY  @@REMSERVER  @@ROWCOUNT  @@SERVERNAME  @@TRANCOUNT  @@VERSION

6  USE AdventureWorks2008;  GO  DECLARE @RCount int;  SELECT * FROM Person.Person;   SELECT @RCount = @@ROWCOUNT;

7 Batch USE AdventureWorks2008; DECLARE @MyVarchar varchar)50); --This DECLARE only lasts for this batch! SELECT @MyVarchar = ‘Honey, I’’m home...’; PRINT ‘Done with first Batch...’; GO PRINT @MyVarchar; --This generates an error since @MyVarchar --isn’t declared in this batch PRINT ‘Done with second Batch’; GO PRINT ‘Done with third batch’; -- Notice that this still gets executed -- even after the error GO

8 نتیجه اجرای اسکریپت قبل  Done with first Batch...  Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 2  Must declare the scalar variable “@MyVarchar”.  Done with third batch

9 جداگانه نوشته شوند Batch دستوراتی که باید در  CREATE DEFAULT  CREATE PROCEDURE  CREATE RULE  CREATE TRIGGER  CREATE VIEW


11 Command از طریق SQL اجرای دستورات  C:\>sqlcmd -Usa -Pmypass -i testsql.sql [ -d ] [ -o ]   SQLCMD -Usa -Pmypass –Q “SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks2008.Production.Locati on”

12 EXEC نکات استفاده از  runs under a separate scope than code that calls it  By default, it runs under the same security context as the current user  It runs under the same connection and transaction context as the calling object  Concatenation that requires a function call must be performed on the EXEC string prior to actually calling the EXEC statement  EXEC NOT Availabe inside a user-defined function.

13 SQL روش دیگر اجرای دستورات  sp_executesql.

14 WAITFOR دستور  WAITFOR DELAY ‘01:00’;  WAITFOR TIME ‘10:00’;

15  IF NOT EXISTS (  SELECT AS SchemaName, AS TableName FROM sys.schemas s  JOIN sys.tables t ON s.schema_id = t.schema_id  WHERE = ‘dbo’ AND = ‘OurIFTest’) CREATE TABLE OurIFTest( Col1 int PRIMARY KEY); SELECT ‘Found Table ‘ + + ‘.’ + FROM sys.schemas s JOIN sys.tables t ON s.schema_id = t.schema_id WHERE = ‘dbo’ AND = ‘OurIFTest’;

16  Use AdventureWorks2008;  GO  SELECT TOP 10 SalesOrderID,  SalesOrderID % 10 AS ‘Last Digit’,  Position =  CASE SalesOrderID % 10 WHEN 1 THEN ‘First’ WHEN 2 THEN ‘Second’ WHEN 3 THEN ‘Third’ WHEN 4 THEN ‘Fourth’ ELSE ‘Something Else’  END  FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader;

17  SELECT TOP 10 SalesOrderID % 10 AS ‘OrderLastDigit’,  ProductID % 10 AS ‘ProductLastDigit’,“How Close?” =  CASE  WHEN (SalesOrderID % 10) < 3 THEN ‘Ends With Less Than Three’  WHEN ProductID = 6 THEN ‘ProductID is 6’  WHEN ABS(SalesOrderID % 10 - ProductID) <= 1 THEN ‘Within 1’  ELSE ‘More Than One Apart’  END  FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail  ORDER BY SalesOrderID DESC;

18 مهار خطاها در اسکریپت  BEGIN TRY  { }  END TRY  BEGIN CATCH  { }  END CATCH [ ; ]

19  BEGIN TRY  CREATE TABLE OurIFTest(Col1 int PRIMARY KEY);  END TRY  BEGIN CATCH  DECLARE @ErrorNo int,  @Severity tinyint,@State smallint,  @LineNo int,@Message nvarchar(4000);  SELECT @ErrorNo = ERROR_NUMBER(),  @Severity = ERROR_SEVERITY(),  @State = ERROR_STATE(),@LineNo = ERROR_LINE (),  @Message = ERROR_MESSAGE();  IF @ErrorNo = 2714  PRINT ‘WARNING: Skipping CREATE as table already exists’;  ELSE RAISERROR(@Message, 16, 1 );  END CATCH

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