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Gender Discrimination. In 1972, Title IX banned sex discrimination in schools that receive federal funding. This meant that girls who did not previously.

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Presentation on theme: "Gender Discrimination. In 1972, Title IX banned sex discrimination in schools that receive federal funding. This meant that girls who did not previously."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender Discrimination



4 In 1972, Title IX banned sex discrimination in schools that receive federal funding. This meant that girls who did not previously have access to sports would be able to play.


6 Symbols: What does each figure represent in the cartoon? Why does each figure look the way that they do (what’s the message)?

7 The Words: What do the labels say on the clothing? What do the labels say on the trophies? How do the words convey the message?

8 Does such gender inequality still exist? Discuss: The Canadian Women and Men’s Olympic hockey team  Do you people care more about the men’s team than the women’s?  Why is there no women’s NHL?  If we had one nowadays, would it make money? Why or why not?


10 Salary There are many jobs where women do not get paid as much as men do for the same job. Job Placement In some companies or fields of work, women do not hold upper-management positions of authority (though this is changing). The idea that a woman will only rise so high on the job “ladder” within a company is called “hitting the glass ceiling.”

11 The “glass ceiling” is a metaphor  A metaphor is a comparison between two things that are not literally connected. Why is do you think the idea that a woman can only be promoted so far is called the “glass ceiling”? What does the use of these words imply?

12 In your groups, analyze the cartoon assigned to you and fill in the worksheet provided. Be prepared to “present” your analysis to the class.

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