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Data Management Plans for Post-Graduate Research Projects.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Management Plans for Post-Graduate Research Projects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Management Plans for Post-Graduate Research Projects

2 Data Lifecycle and Management Plans – Recap Defining Project Data –re-visiting Exercise 1 Project File Structure and Naming –re-visiting Exercises 2 & 3 Data Management Plans –Template form Back to the future – Rights, E-Theses, and Archiving Data –re-visiting Exercises 4 & 5 & 6 Writing a Data Management Plan Data Management Plans for Post-Graduate Research Projects 10-15 mins

3 1. Create 2. Active Use 3. Selection & Evaluation 4. Deposit PhD & Data 5. Preservation & Re-Use 1.What data will I produce? 2.How will I organise the data? (file structure/naming, formats, software) 3. Evaluate data management. 4. What data will be deposited and where? 5. Who will be interested in re-using the data? Data Cycles & Management Plans

4 Defining Research Data What is the core data set of your Post-graduate research project? What will happen to the data: both physical and digital data? Do you have authority to archive the digital data you work upon? Any ethical and IPR issues?

5 1. Create 2. Active Use 3. Selection & Evaluation 4. Deposit PhD & Data 5. Preservation & Re-Use 1.What data will I produce? 2.How will I organise the data? (file structure/naming, formats, software) 3. Evaluate data management. 4. What data will be deposited and where? 5. Who will be interested in re-using the data? Data Cycles & Management Plans

6 File Structure and Naming Understanding the structure of your own data. Allows others to understand your data. Establishes good practice early by helping form working habits. Print out and stick on the wall above your desk!

7 1. Create 2. Active Use 3. Selection & Evaluation 4. Deposit PhD & Data 5. Preservation & Re-Use 1.What data will I produce? 2.How will I organise the data? (file structure/naming, formats, software) 3. Evaluate data management. 4. What data will be deposited and where? 5. Who will be interested in re-using the data? Data Cycles & Management Plans

8 Data Management Plans for Post-Graduate Projects 1.Formalises the definition of your research data. 2.Documents the contextual and technical details of your data. 3.Check on File Structure / Naming 4.Planning for deposition of E-Thesis. 5.Data sharing. 6.Data archiving.

9 1. Create 2. Active Use 3. Selection & Evaluation 4. Publish & Deposit Data 5. Preservation & Re-Use What data will I produce? Plan early for issues of: Original ownership of data Intellectual Property Rights and Data Sensitive Data - Archaeological and Personal What data will be deposited? Where might the data be deposited? Talk to the digital repository early Back to the Future… 1. Create “The best way to help long-term preservation of your data is to plan for its re-use” (Archaeology Data Service)

10 Cambridge University Library Open Access Post-Graduate Teaching Materials for Research Data Management in Archaeology Created by Lindsay Lloyd-Smith (2011) Module 7. Data Management Plans for Post-Graduate Research Projects Acknowledgements This material was created by the JISC-funded DataTrain Project based at the Cambridge University Library. Project Manager: Elin Stangeland (Cambridge University Library) Project advisors: Stuart Jeffrey (Archaeology Data Service), Sian Lazar (Department of Anthropology, Cambridge University), Irene Peano (DataTrain Project Officer – Social Anthropology), Cameron Petrie (Department of Archaeology, Cambridge University), Grant Young (Cambridge University Library), and Anna Collins (DSpace@Cambridge Research Data and Digital Curation Officer). Creative Commons Licence The teaching materials are released under Creative Commons licence UK CC BY-NC-SA 2.0: By Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share- Alike. You are free to re-use, adapt, and build-upon the work for educational purposes. The material may not be used for commercial purposes outside of education. If the material is modified and further distributed it must be released under a similar CC licence.

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