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Epithelial Tissue Anatomy. What are tissues?  Groups of cells that are similar in structure and perform a common function  Histology: the study of tissues.

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Presentation on theme: "Epithelial Tissue Anatomy. What are tissues?  Groups of cells that are similar in structure and perform a common function  Histology: the study of tissues."— Presentation transcript:

1 Epithelial Tissue Anatomy

2 What are tissues?  Groups of cells that are similar in structure and perform a common function  Histology: the study of tissues

3 Epithelial Tissue  Covers body surface  Lines a body cavity  Forms boundaries between different environments Skin: lies between inside/outside of body Epithelium in bladder: separates bladder and urine

4 Epithelial  Forms outer layer of skin  Lines open cavities of cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory systems

5 Characteristics of Epithelium  Cellularity: closed packed cells (little to no extracellular material)  Specialized contacts: continuous sheets

6 Characteristics of Epithelium  Polarity: apical surface (surface exposed to body exterior/cavity) basal surface/lamina (opposite the apical, supporting)


8 Characteristics of Epithelium  Supported by connective tissue: Reticular lamina (contains collagen fibers) Basement membrane: reticular lamina with the basal lamina, reinforces, resists stretching/tearing/defines boundary


10 Characteristics of Epithelium  Avascular but innervated Has nerve fibers but does not contain blood vessels Nourished by substances diffusing into layer from lower layers

11 Characteristics of Epithelium  Regeneration High regeneration capacity

12 Classification of Epithelia  Simple  Stratified  Squamous  Cubodial  Columnar



15 Simple squamous epitheial  Single layer of flattened cells  Disc shape central nuclei  Allows passage of materials (diffusion/filtration), secretes serosa  Kidney glomeruli, air sacs of lungs, linging of heart, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels


17 Simple cubodial epithelium  Single layer of cube like cells with large central nuclei  Secretion/absorption  Kidney tubules, ducts of glands, ovary surface


19 Simple columnar epithelial  Single layer of tall cells with oval nuclei, cilia, contrain mucus secreting cells (goblet cells)  Absorption, secretion, propel secretion (mucus, enzymes)  Digestive tract, gallbadder, uterus


21 Stratified squamous epithelium  Thick, basal cells are cubodial/columnar, surface cells are flat, surface cells full of keratin (dead)  Protection  Mouth, esophagus, skin, dry membranes


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