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Class Diagrams Identifying and representing Classes Object Web, Bapayya Choudhary Maganti.

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Presentation on theme: "Class Diagrams Identifying and representing Classes Object Web, Bapayya Choudhary Maganti."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class Diagrams Identifying and representing Classes Object Web, Bapayya Choudhary Maganti

2 How many classes  Many Classes  Classes have simple behavior  Less encapsulation  More reusable  Easier to Implement  Few Complex Classes  More encapsulation, more private behavior.  Less reusable  Takes more time to implement  More complex to implement

3 Design Consideration  A class should have a single well focused purpose.  A class should do one thing and perform it well.

4 Class Design Step  Define  Class  Operations  Methods  States  Attributes  Dependencies  Associations  Generalizations

5 Simple steps in finding a class  Read and understand the specification.  Extract noun phrases from the specification and build a list.  Look for nouns that may be hidden (for example, by the use of the passive voice), and add them to the list.  Applying the following guidelines:  Model Physical Objects.  Model Conceptual Entities.  Use a Single term for each concept.  Be wary of the use of adjectives.

6 … Classes:  Identify the candidates for abstract super classes by grouping classes that share common attributes.  Use packages to look for classes that may be missing.

7 Attributes & Operations  Find responsibilities using the following guidelines:  Recall the purpose of each class, as implied by its name and specified in the statement of purpose.  Extract responsibilities from the specification by looking for actions and information.  Identify responsibilities implied by the relationships between classes.

8 … Attributes & Operations  Assign responsibilities to classes using the following guidelines:  Evenly distributed system intelligence.  State responsibility as generally as possible.  Keep behavior with related information.  Keep information about one thing in one place.  Share responsibilities among related classes.

9 … Attributes & Operations  Find additional responsibilities by looking for relationships between classes.  is-kind-of  Use is-kind-of relationships to find inheritance relationships.  is-analogous-to  Use is-analogous-to relationships to find missing superclasses.  is-part-of  Use is-part-of relationships to find other missing classes.

10 Relations  Find the list collaborations by examining the responsibilities associated with classes.  Ask:  With whom does this class need to collaborate to fulfill its responsibilities?  Who needs to make use of the responsibilities are defined for this class?

11 Relations  Identify additional collaboration by looking for these relationships between classes.  Is-part-of  The is-part-of relationship.  Has-knowledge-of  The has-knowledge-of relationship and.  Depends-upon  The depends-upon relationships.  Discard classes if no class collaborates with them, and they collaborate with no other class.

12 Hierarchies:  Build Hierarchy graphs that illustrate the inheritance relationships between classes.  Identify which classes are abstract and which are concrete.  Draw Venn diagrams representing the responsibilities shared between classes.

13 … Hierarchies:  Construct class hierarchies using the following guidelines:  Model a kind-of hierarchy.  Factor common responsibilities as high as possible.  Make sure that abstract classes do not inherit from concrete classes.  Eliminate classes that do not add functionality.

14 … Hierarchies:  Construct the contracts defined by each class using the following guidelines:  Group responsibilities that are used by the same clients.  Maximize the cohesiveness of classes.  Minimize the number of contracts per class.

15 Packages:  Draw a complete collaboration graph of the system.  Identify possible subsystems within you design.  Name the subsystems.  Look for frequent and complex collaborations.  Classes in a subsystem should collaborate to support a small and strongly cohesive set of responsibilities.  Class within a subsystem should be strong interdependent.

16 … Packages:  Simplify the collaborations between and within subsystem.  Minimize the number of.  Collaborations a class has with other classes or subsystems.  Classes and subsystems to which a subsystem delegates.  Different contracts supported by a class or a subsystem.

17 Class Diagram  Class Diagram with Class Name only  Use Capital Start Character  For Embedded Words start with upper case  Make sure that the class name is descriptive  Do not use abbreviations for class names  A rectangle with class name represents the class notation.  This is the basic notation for class name

18 Class Notation  Class describing the attributes and methods:

19 Defining Variables and Methods  When defining variable  Use lower case character for instance variables  Use upper case character for class variables  Use upper case character for embedded words  Define attributes data type and default values  Use : to separate data type and = to assign initial values  When defining methods  Use lower case character for all methods  Define method arguments with default values  Define return type after the function signature prefixed by :

20 Access Modifiers  When defining the attributes and methods use following conventions  - for private  + for public  # for protected  $ for class (static) also by underlining the classifier  / for derived  An attribute whose value may be calculated based on the value of other attributes.  Used to represent a value which is not persistence but used to hold a transient value (Performance vs. Memory)

21 Generalization  Single Inheritance  Tool is the super class  Creation Tool and Selection Tool are subclasses

22 …  Single Inheritance (Joint Notation)

23 …  Multiple Inheritance

24 …  Conjunction & Disjunction

25 …  Complete & Incomplete Hierarchy …

26 Association  has-knowledge-of DrawingElement` drawOn(DeviceContext context) Drawing

27 Cardinality  Association are:  One to One  One to Many  Many to Many  Many to One  One to Optional  Optional to Many  One to Specified

28 Role – Significance on Link  Mention Role on the assocation line beside the classes.  Teacher  Role: Teaches/Takes Attendence twords Student  Role: Reports/Works-for twords Head Master  Student  Role: Lears/Answers Attendence twords Teacher  Head Master  Role: Instructs/Pays twords Teacher  Brings the behaviour of classes Teacher HeadMaster Student

29 …  Ternary Association TeacherClass Subject

30 …  Link Association TeacherClass Subject Schedule

31 …  Qualifier Assocation Driver Car hasLicense ()

32 …  OR-Assocation Driver Car hasLicense () Owner {or}

33 Aggregation  Is-Part-of WordSentence

34 Composition  Whole-of TitleBar Window

35 Dependency  Depends-on Design Analysis

36 Dependencies vs. Associations  Associations are structural  Dependencies are non-structural  Association is visible relations referred by global, static, local variable or obtained as parameter.  Dependencies are transient links  Have limited duration

37 Meta  Instance-of Class Instance CreationTool DrawingElement

38 Checkpoints  Classes  Clear Class names (Matches role)  One well-defined abstraction (if not split)  Functionally coupled attributes/behavior (look for proper cohesion)  Generalization were made  All class requirements were addressed  Demands are consistent with state diagrams  Complete class instance life cycle is described.  The class has the required behavior

39 Checkpoints  Operations  Easily understood operations  State description is correct  Required behavior is offered  Parameters are defined correctly  Messages are completely assigned operations  Implementation specifications are correct  Signatures confirm the standards (target language)  All operations are needed by use case realizations (Remove not required and duplicate)

40 Checkpoints  Attributes  A single concept  Descriptive names  All attributes are needed by use case realizations (Remove if not required or duplicate)  Relationships  Descriptive role names  Multiplicities are correct

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