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Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared.

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Presentation on theme: "Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared."— Presentation transcript:

1 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Chapter 8 Design

2 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Introduction Objectives: –To take the results of analysis and produce a specification that can be efficiently implemented Key Input: –Design model Key abstraction Control classes Boundary classes Use-case realizations –User-Experience Model Screens and input forms Use-case storyboards

3 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Design and Iterative Development

4 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Design Overview Two concurrent workflow details: 1.Refine the architecture –Fine-tuning the architecture –Providing the transition between the analysis to design 2.Detail the design –Keep on taking the identified design elements and refining them

5 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Workflow detail: Refine the architecture Objectives: –Identify the design mechanism of the system –Identify major design elements –Bring together the user-experience aspects and the business aspects –Identify the opportunity and the impact of incorporating (reusing) existing design elements –Consider the impacts of concurrency and distribution on the system’s architecture

6 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Design Overview Diagram

7 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Refine the Architecture Workflow Detail Overview Diagram

8 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Activity: Identify design mechanism Takes the list of analysis and identifies design alternatives for each of the mechanisms Input Artifacts: –Design guidelines –Design model –Software architecture document –Supplementary specification –User-experience model

9 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Participants in the Front Controller J2EE Pattern

10 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Activity: Identify design mechanism (2) Resulting Artifacts: –Design guidelines –Design model –Software architecture document Steps: –Inventory design and implementation mechanism –Select design and implementation mechanism –Document the design and implementation mechanism

11 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Activity: Identify design elements Overview: –Takes the input of analysis classes and the screens –Identifies design subsystems, framework components, design classes, and interfaces Input Artifacts: –Design guidelines –Design model –Supplementary specification –User-experience guidelines –User-experience model

12 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Activity: Identify design elements (2) Resulting Artifacts: –Design model –Software architecture document Steps: –Identify design subsystems and their interfaces –Identify framework components and their interfaces –Identify design classes

13 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 An External perspective on an Enterprise Component

14 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 An External perspective on an Enterprise Component and Allocation of its Design Elements to Containers

15 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 The different Granularities of Design Elements

16 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Root Level Package of the Design Model

17 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 The Key Abstraction Identified During Analysis

18 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Enterprise Component in the Online Auction Application

19 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 The Business Layer in the Design Model Structure

20 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Create Auction Basic Flow of Events from Analysis

21 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Auction Manager Interface Description

22 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 The UML Representation of the Auction Manager Session EJB

23 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Auction Manager EJBs

24 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 The Auction Manager Enterprise Component-Related EJBs

25 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Design Model Structure Showing Design Classes in the Presentation Layer

26 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Design Model Structure Showing Design Classes in the Business Layer

27 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Participants in the Create Auction Use Case

28 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Activity: Incorporate existing design elements Overview: –To compare the identified design elements with existing assets –Determine which of them can be incorporated (reused) in the design Input Artifacts: –Design guidelines –Design model

29 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Activity: Incorporate existing design elements (2) Resulting Artifacts: –Design model –Software architecture document Steps: –Identify reuse opportunities –Reverse-engineer assets –Incorporate existing design elements into the design model

30 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 An Initial Deployment Diagram

31 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Elements Deployed on Separate Physical Node

32 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Activity: Describe distribution and concurrency Overview: –To analyze the system distribution and concurrency requirements and describe how they are realized in the implementation environment Input Artifacts: –Deployment model –Design model –Implementation model –Supplementary specification

33 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Activity: Describe distribution and concurrency (2) Resulting Artifacts: –Deployment model –Design model –Software architecture document Steps: –Define the network configuration –Distribute elements to containers and nodes –Analyze application concurrency –Identify concurrency mechanism

34 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Activity: Review the architecture Overview: –To formally review the results of the refined architecture before moving on the detailed design Input Artifacts: –Design guidelines –Risk list –Software architecture document –Supplementary specification –User-experience guidelines

35 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Activity: Review the architecture (2) Resulting Artifacts: –Change request –Review record Steps: –Conduct the review

36 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Workflow Detail: Detail the design Objective: –To refine the identified design elements by working out the details of their content, behaviour and relationships Design activities: –Subsystem design  focuses on a design subsystem (enterprise component) –Component design  focuses on a framework component (EJB) –Class design  focuses on a design class (servlet, JSP, or Java class) –Database design  focuses on the data model elemets (database schema)

37 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Detail of the Design Workflow Detail Overview Diagram

38 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Activity: Use-Case Design Overview: –To demonstrate that the system’s Use Cases can be realized through collaborations of the identified design elements –To help refine the design of the elements by considering all contexts in which they will work Input Artifacts: –Design guidelines –Design model –Software Architecture document –Supplementary specification –Use Case

39 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Activity: Use-Case Design (2) Resulting Artifacts: –Design model Steps: –For each use case: Realize each flow of events –Once per iteration: Reconcile the Use-Case Realizations

40 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Create Auction Use Case Realization

41 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Activity: Subsystem Design Overview: –To “look inside” each subsystem and define its internal structure and the collaborations of its elements Input Artifacts: –Design model –Design guidelines Resulting Artifacts: –Design model Steps: –Distribute subsystem behavior to subsystem elements –Describe subsystem dependencies

42 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Design Elements of the Auction Manager Enterprise Component

43 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Auction Manager Business Delegate

44 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 The addBid Operation of the Auction Manager Enterprise Component

45 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Interface Realization in the Design Model

46 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Design Subsystem Dependencies in the Design Model

47 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Activity: Class Design Overview: –Concentrate on the detail design of the Design Classes Input Artifacts: –Design guidelines –Design model –Supplementary Specification Resulting Artifacts: –Design model Steps: –Define Class Visibility –Define Class Operations –Define Class Attributes –Define Class dependencies and Relationships

48 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Activity: Database Design Overview: –To ensure proper mapping between the entity EJBs and the underlying database –To define behaviour that is best implemented in the database rather than in the application mode Input Artifacts: –Data Model –Design guidelines –Design model –Supplementary Specification

49 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Activity: Database Design (2) Resulting Artifacts: –Change Request –Design model –Implementation Model Steps: –Map Entity EJBs to the Data Model –Distribute Class Behavior to the Database

50 Source: Peter Eeles, Kelli Houston, and Wojtek Kozaczynsky, Building J2EE Applicationa with the Rational Unified Process, Addison Wesley, 2003 Prepared by Agus Widodo D2098 Activity: Review the Design Overview: –To formally review the detailed design before starting implementation Input Artifacts: –Design guidelines –Design model –Supplementary Specification –Use-Case Model –User-Experience Model Resulting Artifacts: –Change Request –Review record Steps: –Conduct the review

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