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Monday, 9.17 Respond to the following question in one basic paragraph:

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, 9.17 Respond to the following question in one basic paragraph:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, 9.17 Respond to the following question in one basic paragraph:
What does it mean to be an American according to native American creation myths? Write on a separate sheet of paper (10 min)

2 Monday, 9.17 Respond to the following question in one basic paragraph:
What does it mean to be an American according to Native American beliefs? (Think about what we learned about NA, and then explain how they view that as American) Write on a separate sheet of paper. (15 min)

3 Teacher sample: Native Americans place a strong emphasis on nature and origin; they believe that where the come from – nature – is significant to how they live. In the “Navajo origin legend,” wind is what gives them life and, therefore, should be respected. They believe that “when this ceases to blow we die.” the importance that is placed on wind indicates how Native Americans viewed themselves, and since they are the original Americans, this is also how they view the American Identity. Americans should honor the wind around them and feel connected to their ancestors that breathed that same air. In order to truly be an “American,” one must respect the foundation of life by giving back to the land and honoring one’s heritage. This is what it means to be an American because it originated with the land’s first Americans.

4 Conventions of usage “The past is always tense, the future perfect
Conventions of usage “The past is always tense, the future perfect.” – Zadie smith Standards Covered CRS.ELA.USG : Solve basic grammatical problems as how to form the past and past participle of irregular but commonly used verbs and how to form comparative and superlative adjectives CRS.ELA.USG : Solve such grammatical problems as whether to use an adverb or an adjective form, how to ensure straightforward subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement, and which preposition to use in simple contexts CRS.ELA.USG : Ensure that a verb agrees with its subject when there is some text between the two

5 Regular & Irregular Verbs (201)
A regular verb forms its past participle by adding –ed to the base form. walked listened typed played jumped An irregular verb forms its past participle in some way other than adding –ed to the base form spoke ran held tore slept

6 Important Terminology
Simple Past – used for actions that began and finished in the past. We do not have to say exactly when. It happened and is not happening now. I saw it. Past Participle – used for in forming perfect and passive tenses. Present Perfect: I have seen it. Past Perfect: I had seen it. Future Perfect: I will have seen it. 3rd Conditional: I would have seen it. Passive: It was seen.

7 Past Perfect Past Perfect = if two past actions occur, then the action that happened first is past perfect. It consists of had + the past participle of a verb. Yana __________ two picture frame for her grandmother. (past form of choose) The talented photographer _______________ stunning pictures. (past perfect of take) The Saint Bernard __________ two big bowls of dog food. (past form of eat) We ________________ to our favorite campsite dozens of time. (past perfect of drive)

8 Present Perfect Past Perfect = is used to express an action or condition that occurred at some indefinite time in the past. It consists of has or have + the past participle of a verb. You __________________________ that movie many times. (present perfect of see) I think I __________________________ him once before. (present perfect of meet) ________ you _______ the book yet? (present perfect of read).

9 Future Perfect Past Perfect = is used to express one future action or condition that will be and end before another future event starts. It consists of will have or shall have + past participle of a verb. By this time next year, I _______ ________ ________ from college. (future perfect of graduate) _______ you _______ _______ enough money? (future perfect of save) They _______ _______ _______ dinner. (future perfect cook)


11 Practice: Identify each perfect tense by underlining it and writing either PRP, PP, or FP.
Frederick had worn glasses for five years before he got contact lenses. The puppy has grown two inches in five weeks. By next year, the doctor will have treated two thousand patients. The diligent carpenter has built ten cabinets in one month. By the end of the year, the sun will have risen 365 times.

12 Practice: underline the correct auxiliary verb in each of the following sentences. Above each verb write whether the entire verb is in the present perfect (PRP), past perfect (PP), or future perfect FP) tense. By 2020, people (have/will have) been reading the works of Charles Dickens for more than 180 years. In the years after the Victorian era, people (had/have) enjoyed reading about Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol. After millions of people (had/have) experienced this tale of a cheap English businessman who is scared into changing his ways, the name Scrooge came to mean a person who is greedy, mean, and hateful. Thanks to another great Dickens work, A Tale of Two Cities, millions more people (will have/have) understood a very human emotion involved in a historical event as important as the French Revolution. By the time of his death, Charles Dickens (has/had) published more than fifteen novels.

13 Homework: Read Introduction

14 Homework: Read Introduction

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