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Gene Mutations Regulation of Gene Expression – Part III Spring 2013 - Althoff Reference: Mader & Windelspecht Ch. 13) Lec 20.

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1 Gene Mutations Regulation of Gene Expression – Part III Spring 2013 - Althoff Reference: Mader & Windelspecht Ch. 13) Lec 20

2 A gene mutations is __________ change in the _____________________ in DNA The “change” can result in a) no effect on protein activity to b) complete inactivity A ____________________ is one that occurs in _______________ and can be passed to subsequent generations. A ____________________ is one that occurs in ___________—and therefore may only affect a small number of cells in a tissue Somatic mutations _________ passed on to future generations Gene Mutations

3 Causes – 2 basic types ________________ mutations = happen for no apparent reason…a result of abnormalities in normal biological processes ___________ mutations = induced by ____________ ______________. They may result from exposure to a) toxic chemicals b) radiation c) other? These “exposures” “induce/cause” changes in base sequences of DNA

4 Spontaneous Mutations Again, associated with “normal” biological processes Example: moveable piece of DNA, termed a ___________, may “jump” from location to another, disrupting one or more genes…leading to an abnormal product Interrupted DNA sequence

5 Spontaneous Mutations…con’t Again, associated with “normal” biological processes Example: On rare occasions, a base in DNA can undergo a _________________ that leads to a mispairing during replication…a subsequent base pair change may be carried forth in future generations This ↑example is a rare occurrence because…. _______________—the enzyme that carries out replication—__________ the new strand against the old strand and ________ mismatched nucleotides…and _______ it with the correct one Estimates: only ___ mistake in every ___________ nucleotide pair replications

6 Induced Mutations Are known as _____________ Those mutagens known to cause cancer are also known as _______________ Sources for chemical mutagens include: a) food we eat i) AF-2 once used in Japan – now banned ii) Safrole flavoring agent once used in root beer – now banned iii) Acrylamide—a natural product found in French fries—suspected mutage b) industrial chemicals & tobacco smoke i) tobacco changes several known organic chemicals known as carcinogens

7 Induced Mutations…con’t Forms of radiation known to cause mutations: X-rays gamma rays Ultraviolet (UV) radiation UV - absorbed by pyrimidines in DNA UV - if 2 thymine molecules next to one another, UV radiation may cause them to bind together…forming _______________. Result: kink in the DNA. They can sometimes be repaired/removed by ____________ enzymes

8 Mutations effect on Protein Activity ____________________– change in a ________ DNA nucleotide, and, therefore, possible change in a specific amino acidex. What results in the cell sickled red blood cell ____________________– occur most often when 1 or more nucleotides are either a) inserted or b) deleted from DNA. Result: a completely new sequence of codons and nonfunctional protein. Ex. THE CAT ATE THE RAT. If “C” is deleted, the framework shifts resulting in… THC ATA TET HER AT

9 Mutations Can Cause Cancer Current estimate: ________ people will develop cancer at some time in their lives --of the affected: 1/3 of the womenwill die 1/4 of the males will die 3 deadliest forms of cancer: a) lung b) colon and rectal c) breast Cancer results from a series of accumulated mutations as noted earlier this semester (see Lab 9 & text Chapter 9)

10 Cancer…con’t __________________ genes ordinarily act as brakes on cell division…especially if abnormalities detected. _______________ stimulate cell division but are turned off in fully differentiated, non-dividing cells. When proto-oncogenes mutate, they become _______________ that are ______________________. The result of 2 and 3: cell division occurs _____________ because a ______________ pathway that reaches from the plasma membrane to the nucleus is non-functional. 1 2 3 4

11 Cell Signaling Pathway that Stimulates a _______________ TUMOR SUPPRESSOR GENE

12 Cell Signaling Pathway that Stimulates an _______________________

13 Cancer…con’t Recall ____________________from last lecture (#19)… One of the 5 ways to control gene expression Transcription factors are fundamental to a) DNA replication & repair b) cell growth & division c) __________________ d) __________________

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