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2015 NOFA Grantee Meeting September 30, 2015. Agenda 1.Welcome and introductions 2.Highlights of 2015 HUD CoC NOFA announcement 3.Overview of MDHI NOFA.

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Presentation on theme: "2015 NOFA Grantee Meeting September 30, 2015. Agenda 1.Welcome and introductions 2.Highlights of 2015 HUD CoC NOFA announcement 3.Overview of MDHI NOFA."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 NOFA Grantee Meeting September 30, 2015

2 Agenda 1.Welcome and introductions 2.Highlights of 2015 HUD CoC NOFA announcement 3.Overview of MDHI NOFA RFP 4.CoC Renewal Project Thresholds 5.CoC competition time line 6.CoC Renewal Project information 7.CoC Consolidate Plan 8.CoC System Performance 9.Next steps

3 Highlights of 2015 HUD NOFA HUD’s Policy and Program Priorities for 2015 Competition are again: (pg 8 -11 in NOFA) Strategic Resource Allocation Ending Chronic Homelessness Ending Family Homelessness Ending Youth Homelessness Ending Veteran Homelessness Using Housing First Approach

4 Highlights continued HUD thresholds stated in NOFA for both their review and what CoC’s should be looking at in each application All projects except the CoC Planning Grant will be ranked and put in tiers again this year CoC’s given chance for new money/projects in the Permanent Housing Bonus (up to 15% FPRN) CoC’s can use reallocated funds to create new PSH projects for CH and/or Rapid Re-Housing for homeless families and/or unaccompanied youth

5 Overview of CoC NOFA RFP For both the CoC application (WizHive) and HUD’s application (esnaps) will ask for the following: Applicant information and sub-recipients’ info – your partners Past performance – APR’s, HUD monitoring, recaptured funds Project Description Supportive services provided Use of Housing First model Alignment with HUD’s priorities Alignment with CoC’s priorities Participation in Coordinated Entry System HMIS participation

6 CoC RFP Overview Complete application in e-snaps AND WizeHive and include following attachments: a) Budget, leverage and match form b) Threshold renewal certification c) Annual Progress Report (APR)

7 Budget The budget format used this year in e-snaps (Section 7 of Renewal Application) is what it has been in prior years in e-snaps. Your Project Type and contract with HUD will dictate the specific budget format that shows up in e-snaps All budgets will allow for HMIS, administrative costs (if in your project contract) and Match/Leverage information

8 Match and Leverage MatchLeverage 25% Required (total HUD CoC Funds – Leasing x 25%) No Limit – NOFA goal of 150%; includes cash & in-kind match Required by HUD to comply with grant Required by CoC to remain locally competitive among peers Must be spent within contract year for eligible activities (based on Subpart D of the HEARTH Act) Leverage beyond required match can come from any source and are not required to be an eligible cost Requires established MOU for third party services, before grant execution Must be documented in grant files; cannot exceed the number of persons proposed to be served by project Volunteer hours should be valued at $10/hour, unless they are professional services

9 HUD’s Project Renewal Thresholds No matter the ranking the CoC gives a project, HUD will review for basic thresholds for renewal. HUD will use information in LOCCS; Annual Performance Reports (APRs); and information provided from the local HUD CPD Field Office, including monitoring reports and A-133 audit reports as applicable, and performance standards on prior grants, and will assess projects using the following criteria on a pass/fail basis: (1) Whether the project applicant’s performance met the plans and goals established in the initial application as amended; (2) Whether the project applicant demonstrated all timeliness standards for grants being renewed, including that standards for the expenditure of grant funds have been met;

10 (3) The project applicant’s performance in assisting program participants to achieve and maintain independent living and record of success, except HMIS-dedicated projects are not required to meet this standard; and (4) Whether there is evidence that a project applicant has been unwilling to accept technical assistance, has a history of inadequate financial accounting practices, has indications of project mismanagement, has a drastic reduction in the population served, has made program changes without prior HUD approval, or has lost a project site. HUD’s Project Renewal Thresholds

11 HUD is also stressing that they and the CoCs should closely review information provided in each project application in order to ensure that: a) all proposed participants will be eligible for the project component type; b) the proposed activities are eligible under the CoC Program interim rule; c) each project narrative is fully responsive to the question being asked and that it meets all of the criteria for that question included in the detailed instructions; d) the data provided in various parts of the project application are consistent; and e) all required attachments correspond to the attachments list in e-snaps, that they contain accurate and complete information, and that they contain a current date.

12 HUD’s Priorities Strategic resource allocation – maximizing mainstream resources, leveraging resources, good review of renewal projects for efficiency and performance, especially TH programs Ending Chronic Homelessness – increasing units for and targeting this population Ending Family Homelessness – HUD sees Rapid re- housing as being most helpful here Ending Youth Homelessness - HUD recognizes the uniqueness of this population Ending Veteran Homelessness – HUD looking for whenever possible, this population be prioritized along with their families for housing placement Using Housing First Approach – removing barriers to entry and the use of a centralized or coordinates assessment system

13 HUD CoC 2015 Ranking We will again use the Tier 1 and Tier 2 funding process. Tier 1 is equal to 85% of the CoC’s Annual Renewal Demand amount approved in GIW and may include new projects Tier 2 will be the amount over 85% of CoC’s ARD and may include new projects (CoC’s Planning Grant not ranked)

14 HUD’s Ranking Order Pg 16 -17 NOFA Tier One – Projects ranked in this tier will be conditionally selected from the highest ranking CoC to the lowest ranked CoC provided they pass eligibility and threshold review Tier Two - Remainder of ARD and amount available for the PH bonus. HUD will award up to 100 pts to each project according to: 1) CoC score – up to 60 points 2) CoC project ranking – up to 20 pts 3) Project Type & population served– up to 10 pts 4) Commitment to Policy Priorities – up to 10 pts

15 2015 HUD CoC NOFA Read the 2015 HUD CoC NOFA Must follow the CoC NOFA timeline Must submit renewal applications in WizeHive & esnaps Must be invited to apply as a new project – LOI due 10/2 Renewal projects scoring less than 70% threshold will work with MDHI on Project Improvement Plan (PIP) All renewal projects may be asked to reduce their project ARD by 1% to create a new HMIS Lead Agency project Grantees are advised to pay particular attention to spending full 2014/2015 grant awards. The 2016 NOFA process will focus on reallocating unspent grant dollars from existing projects to create new projects as allowed in 2016 NOFA.

16 MDHI NOFA Timeline 09/28/15 - Finalize 2015 CoC Grant Inventory Worksheet (GIW) 09/30/15 - Mandatory CoC grantee meeting to review process and address questions 10/02/15 By 3:00pm - Non-binding Letters of Interest due for new projects 10/05/15 – New Project applicant meeting at 1:00 10/20/15 By 5:00pm - NOFA renewal applications due to be submitted into WizeHive 10/20/15 By 5:00pm - NOFA new project applications due to be submitted via email 11/02/15 - All projects due in e-snaps 11/03/15 - Recommended ranking of renewal projects announced to Stakeholders 11/06/15 by 5:00pm - Appeals filed by this date 11/10/15 - Agencies who have appealed will receive in writing decision prior to NOFA application submission 11/12/15 - MDHI Board meeting to approve CoC new /renewal project recommendations 11/19/15 - NOFA submission by 5:00pm MST 12/30/15 - NOFA Fees Due for CoC New and Renewal Project Applications in Tier 1 Two weeks after HUD award announcement - NOFA Fees Due for New and Renewal Project Application(s) in Tier 2

17 CoC Renewal Applications

18 Renewal project information Legal information about Applicant Agency including tax ID numbers, DUNS, Type of Agency, Contact information and Congressional Districts served Compliance information around delinquency on any Federal debt, recaptured funds, findings from HUD audits Listing of any sub-recipients and all their legal, contact and compliance information All project detail – grant number, component type, and then a full description and identification of focused population Information on Housing First model

19 Renewal project information Supportive Services your project provides and their ease of accessibility by participants HMIS participation and data quality scores for specific project Housing type and location(s) Information detail on project participants and/ or households Sub-populations served by household type, disabling conditions, etc. Outreach done to reach targeted populations Performance measures Budget information including match and leverage information

20 Renewal project information Information on overcoming/eliminating barriers for admission into your project Information on PSH bed turnover including # turned, where folks went, how project participated in coordinated assessment system and how many CH put in beds/units not designated CH Current APR (run report between 7/1/15 – 11/20/15) Current HUD grant

21 Continuum of Care Consolidated Application

22 CoC Consolidated Application CoC Consolidated Application Scoring 2015 200 points possible plus 3 bonus pts. 1.CoC Coordination & Engagement – 49 pts max 2.Project Ranking, Review and Capacity – 26 pts max 3.HMIS – 18 pts max 4.PIT – 9 pts max 5.System Performance: 38 pts max for CoC wide performance related to reducing homelessness 6.Performance and Strategic Planning – 60 pts max for plans for and process toward reducing homelessness

23 Performance Measure: Achievement of Housing Stability -Percentage of participants in all CoC-funded projects that will achieve housing stability in an operating year Transitional Housing* *For Transitional Housing stability is defined as exiting to a known permanent housing destination. HUD goal is 65%

24 Performance Measure: Achievement of Housing Stability -Percentage of participants in all CoC-funded projects that will achieve housing stability in an operating year Permanent Housing HUD goal is 80%

25 Performance Measure: Achievement of Housing Stability -Percentage of participants in all CoC-funded projects that will achieve housing stability in an operating year Combined HUD goal is 80%

26 Performance Measure: Increase Income (from Employment) -Percentage of participants in all CoC-funded projects that increased their income from employment from entry date to program exit. Transitional Housing HUD goal is 20%

27 Performance Measure: Increase Income (from Employment) -Percentage of participants in all CoC-funded projects that increased their income from employment from entry date to program exit. Permanent Housing HUD goal is 20%

28 Performance Measure: Increase Income (from Employment) -Percentage of participants in all CoC-funded projects that increased their income from employment from entry date to program exit. Combined HUD goal is 20%

29 Performance Measure: Increased Income (Non-Employment) -Percentage of participants in all CoC-funded projects that increased their income from sources other than employment from entry date to program exit Transitional Housing HUD goal is 54%

30 Permanent Housing HUD goal is 54% Performance Measure: Increased Income (Non-Employment) -Percentage of participants in all CoC-funded projects that increased their income from sources other than employment from entry date to program exit

31 Combined HUD goal is 54% Performance Measure: Increased Income (Non-Employment) -Percentage of participants in all CoC-funded projects that increased their income from sources other than employment from entry date to program exit

32 Performance Measure: Increase Mainstream Benefits -Percentage of participants in all CoC-funded projects that obtained non-cash mainstream benefits from entry date to program exit Transitional Housing HUD goal is 56%

33 Permanent Housing HUD goal is 56% Performance Measure: Increase Mainstream Benefits -Percentage of participants in all CoC-funded projects that obtained non-cash mainstream benefits from entry date to program exit

34 Combined HUD goal is 56% Performance Measure: Increase Mainstream Benefits -Percentage of participants in all CoC-funded projects that obtained non-cash mainstream benefits from entry date to program exit

35 WizeHive Tips and Suggestions WizeHive Login can be accessed at WizeHive live by October 7th Agencies with multiple projects use multiple log-ins Upload required documents Double check uploaded application documents!!! Details important – reviewers don’t know your project Questions – send email to: Make sure APR is “clean”

36 Next Steps Post final renewal forms by COB Monday, October 5 th Post application scoring tool, NOFA protocols and appeal process by October 9 Letters of Interest (LOI) due October 2 nd – 3:00 pm New Grant meeting Monday, October 5 th @ 1:30 CoC application posted to MDHI website by November 10 th for comment and suggested edits

37 HUD/CoC NOFA Resources program-competition-resources/ program-competition-resources/ Matching : 24 CFR 578.73

38 Questions & Comments Thank You!

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