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Agenda for 02/21/2006 Learn how to use more than one table in a query. Discuss how DBMS processes multiple tables. Explain the different types of joins.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda for 02/21/2006 Learn how to use more than one table in a query. Discuss how DBMS processes multiple tables. Explain the different types of joins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda for 02/21/2006 Learn how to use more than one table in a query. Discuss how DBMS processes multiple tables. Explain the different types of joins. Describe join conditions. Do lab exercise

2 Sample Database ERD Assume referential integrity is NOT maintained in this database

3 Vocabulary Words Select List Result Table Join Cartesian Product/Cross Join Join Condition Multiple Table Access SELECT * FROMemp, time;

4 Combining Tables Based on a Shared Column (newer syntax – using join condition) SELECTname, contractid, datetime, amount/60 FROMtime INNER JOINemp ONtime.empid = emp.empid

5 Viewing all rows from one of the tables in a join (newer syntax using join condition) SELECTname, time.empid contractid, datetime, amount/60 FROMtime LEFT OUTER JOINemp ONemp.empid = time.empid Imagine that the time table is “left” (because it is declared first) and the emp table is “right” (because it is declared second)

6 Right outer join – Viewing all rows in other table (newer syntax using join condition) SELECT name, time.empid, contractid, datetime, amount/60 FROM time RIGHT OUTER JOINemp ON time.empid = emp.empid ; Remember that the time table is “left” (because it is declared first) and the emp table is “right” (because it is declared second)

7 Full outer join – Viewing all rows in both tables (newer syntax using join condition – option 1 is not available) SELECTname, time.empid, contractid, datetime, amount/60 FROM time FULL OUTER JOINemp ON time.empid = emp.empid;

8, time.empid, time.worktypeid, work.description, datetime, amount/60 FROMtime INNER JOINemp ONtime.empid = emp.empid INNER JOINwork ONtime.worktypeid = work.worktypeid; Combining more than two tables into a single result table

9 Displaying all data in TIME table COLUMN emp_name heading “Employee Name” COLUMN descr heading “Type of Work” SELECT NVL(,'NOT IN EMPLOYEE TABLE') emp_name, time.empid, time.worktypeid, NVL(work.description,'NOT IN WORK TABLE’) descr, datetime, amount/60 FROMtime LEFT OUTER JOINemp ONtime.empid = emp.empid LEFT OUTER JOINwork ONtime.worktypeid = work.worktypeid ORDER;

10 Adding a standard condition SELECT NVL(,'NOT IN EMPLOYEE TABLE') emp_name, time.empid, time.worktypeid, NVL(work.description,'NOT IN WORK TABLE’) descr, datetime, amount/60 FROMtime LEFT OUTER JOINemp ONtime.empid = emp.empid LEFT OUTER JOINwork ONtime.worktypeid = work.worktypeid WHERE datetime BETWEEN ’01-jan-2006’ and ’15-jan-2006’ ORDER BY;

11 Summarizing Data COLUMN descr heading “Type of Work” SELECT NVL(work.description, ‘No Description’) descr, round(sum(amount/60),2) FROM time LEFT OUTER JOIN work ON work.worktypeid = time.worktypeid GROUP BY work.description ; The GROUP BY statement is frequently used with a result table created by multiple underlying tables

12 Recursive Relationship with Employee to Assign Manager

13 Self-join also called a recursive join (newer syntax using join condition) SELECTworker.empid "worker#", "worker name", manager.empid "manager#", "manager name" FROMemp worker INNER JOINemp manager ONworker.mgrid = manager.empid; What change is necessary to make all employees appear whether there is a manager?

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