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Science Revision Living Things Animals Plants Habitats Food Chains Interdependence Micro organisms Materials Properties of materials Changing materials.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Revision Living Things Animals Plants Habitats Food Chains Interdependence Micro organisms Materials Properties of materials Changing materials."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Revision Living Things Animals Plants Habitats Food Chains Interdependence Micro organisms Materials Properties of materials Changing materials Separating materials Physical Processes Sound Light Electricity Magnetism Forces

2 Earth and Space 365 ¼ days is the time taken for the Earth to orbit the sun. There are 28 days from one full moon to the next. (A lunar month) It takes 24 hours for the Earth to spin once on it’s axis. Night and day is caused by the Earth spinning on it’s own axis There are 9 planets in our solar system. The Sun is our closest star. Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto The moon affects The Earth’s tides. The Earth spins in A clockwise direction.

3 Materials and their Properties TRANSPARENT TRANSLUCENT OPAQUE Any material that lets a lot of light through. Any material that lets a little bit of light through. Any material that lets no light through. glass Tracing paper Brick wall Clear plastic Frosted glassBubble wrap WoodCardboard Other properties PERMEABLE materials allow water to soak through. IMPERMEABLE materials do not allow any water to soak through. BRITTLE materials break easily. INSULATING materials keep things warm or cold. MALLEABLE materials can be shaped.

4 Separating Materials To separate liquid out of a solution EVAPORATE it. The hotter the liquid The faster it will evaporate heat Evaporation To separate dry solids with different sized particles use a filter or sieve Clouds are made from water vapour. When they condense we get rain. Water vapour is a gas. Rain is a liquid. Ice is a solid Evaporate = liquid to water vapour Condense= water vapour to liquid

5 Changing Materials If 2 materials are mixed together and a chemical reaction takes place the change is IRREVERSIBLE If no reaction occurs between the materials then it is REVERSIBLE. Solid Particles are closely packed together. No spaces between. Liquid Particles are spaced out more but still touching. Gas Particles are widely spaces and not touching. Burning is irreversible Melting is sometimes reversible (chocolate) (ice) but sometimes irreversible (plastic) Cooking is irreversible

6 Forces There are 2 types of forces PushesPulls and Gravity Air/Water Resistance Friction is a pulling force which pulls all objects towards the centre of the Earth. is a pulling force which has the effect of slowing things down. is a pushing force which pushes objects in the opposite direction. Upthrust is a pushing force which pushes objects away from the centre of the Earth. Magnetism will pull magnetic objects Forces are measured in NEWTONS.

7 Light Light travels in straight lines. LIGHT CAN BE SPLIT INTO SEVEN COLOURS Light can REFLECT off shiny surfaces. A shadow is formed when an object or person BLOCKS the light from a source. The CLOSER the object is to the light source the LARGER the shadow. LIGHT SOURCES ?

8 Sound Sound is caused by VIBRATIONS Sound travels in all directions. Sound travels in WAVES. Reflected sound is called an ECHO. Sound travels to our outer ear, along the ear canal to the ear drum, then to the cochlea. Finally it travels along the aural nerve to the brain. Sound is a type of ENERGY. NOISE is disorganised sound that we find annoying. MUSIC is organised sound that we find pleasant.

9 Electricity Electricity is a type of ENERGY It can be used to power many appliances in our homes, schools and work places. Or taken from the mains. Electricity can be stored in batteries MAINS ELECTRICITY IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS! Electricity will only flow in a complete circuit An electrical CONDUCTOR is a material that allows electricity to pass through it. METALS are the best conductors. An electrical INSULATOR is a material that does not allow electricity to pass through it. switchbulb

10 Magnetism Magnets have 2 ends called POLES (north and south) Iron Opposite poles attract NSNS Like poles repel NNSS These metals are magnetic Steel Nickel Cobalt They are surrounded by a MAGNETIC FIELD

11 Animal World Animals can be divided into 2 different groups VERTEBRATES animals with backbones INVERTEBRATES animals without backbones The vertebrates can be divided into 5 main groups. MAMMALSFISHREPTILESAMPHIBIANSBIRDS eg INSECTS SPIDERS WORMS Cold blooded Gills Scales Lay eggs Warm blooded Fur Live young Cold blooded Mostly lay eggs Cold blooded Lay eggs Warm blooded Feathers Lay eggs

12 Habitats and Adaptation Habitat is the place where a plant or animal lives. Animals and plants are ADAPTED to their environment in many different ways If a living thing is not adapted to it’s environment, it will not SURVIVE. A fish lives in water so has gills for breathing, scales for waterproofing, fins for swimming A cactus has spikes instead of leaves to reduce water loss. It can store water in it’s stem. Birds can fly to the tops of trees to escape predators Camels can store fat in their hump. they have special shaped feet and fur lined ears and nostrils. Polar bears have a thick layer of fat and fur to insulate them against the severe cold. A stick insect is perfectly camouflaged in it’s environment.

13 Micro organism means VERY SMALL LIVING THING Micro organisms amoeba virus bacteria fungi plankton Micro organisms can be harmful They can cause diseases like flu or coughs and more serious ones as well Micro organisms can be helpful They decompose waste and are added to food to improve the taste. ALWAYS WASH YOUR HANDS Micro organisms can be passed around through physical contact, coughing, sneezing And through contact with blood or other body fluids,

14 HUMANS (and many animals) have 5 senses. HEARING We can tell what sounds are and where they are coming from using our ears. SIGHT We see with our eyes. We have 2 eyes so we can judge distances. This is called BINOCULAR vision. TOUCH We use our skin and nerves to tell us if something is too hot/cold/sharp. This helps to protect us from danger. TASTE We use different parts of our tongue to sense different tastes such as bitter, sour, sweet or salty. SMELL This is our strongest sense. We can tell the difference between good and bad smells. This may stop us from eating something which would make us ill. Our Senses

15 Food Chains and Interdependence Herbivores Animals which only eat plants eg – rabbits, cows, sheep, camels, elephants, deer. Carnivores Animals which only eat other animals (meat) eg – lions, dogs, cats, polar bears, sharks, penguins. Omnivores Animals which eat a mixed diet (plants and animals) eg humans, whales, some monkeys. A typical simple food chain PRODUCERS (green plants) are the first in a food chain All animal life on Earth is dependent on plants which are dependent on the sun’s energy. CONSUMERS are all animals. PREDATORS are animals that eat other animals. PREY are animals that are eaten by other animals.

16 Our Bodies The HEART Pumps blood around our body as part of the CIRCULATORY system. The more we exercise the faster the heart pumps. The DIGESTIVE SYSTEM breaks down the food we eat with a range of ENZYMES and ACIDS. The waste products are then EXCRETED. The LUNGS take OXYGEN out of the air we breathe in and replace it with unwanted CARBON DIOXIDE which we breathe out. Teeth help us chew food. We have 4 types INCISORS- for biting CANINES- for tearing PREMOLARS – for chewing MOLARS – for chewing Our SKELETON helps to support us and protect our internal organs. Our skeleton also helps us to move using a system of LIGAMENTS and MUSCLES

17 Plants and their Life Cycles Different parts of a plant have different functions. The leaf makes the food for the plant by PHOTOSYNTHESIS using energy from the sun. The roots take in water and NUTRIENTS from the soil they also ANCHOR the plant in place. The stem TRANSPORTS NUTRIENTS from the roots to the rest of the plant. The flower produces SEEDS so that new plants can grow. GERMINATION The seed begins to grow a shoot POLLINATION Pollen from the STAMEN of one plant lands on the STIGMA of another Plant. DISPERSAL The plant spreads it’s seeds as far as possible so there is less competition for light and space,

18 Living Things ………have seven things that they ALL do……… MOVEMENT Animals walk crawl wiggle swim or fly. Plants move to face the sun. RESPIRATION Plants breathe in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. Animals breathe in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide SENSITIVITY Animals and plants use their senses to respond to the environment. Animals can see, hear, feel touch and taste. Plants turn to face the sun or grow towards the light. NUTRITION All animals need to eat. Plants can make their own food by photosynthesis EXCRETION All living things have to get rid of waste products either through their digestive system (poo) or through their skin or leaves. GROWTH All living things grow. Some grow a lot and others just a little. REPRODUCTION All living things need to make sure their species survives they do this by reproduction. Animals give birth to live babies or lay eggs. Plants produce seeds.


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