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This is going to be awesome Baby! Great, I am so excited!

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Presentation on theme: "This is going to be awesome Baby! Great, I am so excited!"— Presentation transcript:

1 This is going to be awesome Baby! Great, I am so excited!

2  Watch for those things that are underlined, they will be on the quiz!  Take some notes!

3  Take care of your class fee by Friday, Jan. 23rd!  Bring me the receipt!  No material until you pay !

4  All materials are covered by the class fee except for Painting. Painting classes need to provide their own brushes, and palette (can be purchased from the school).  All classes may need to occasionally bring things from home.

5  20% is attendance (serving detention does NOT recover lost participation points for tardies, lates and unexcused absences).  Rest of the grade is based on % of points earned for:  Participation  Working with your Artist group  Journal  Sketchbook (Art Foundations and Drawing classes only)  Learning activities  Quizzes  ART PROJECTS  Art history project  Homework  Cleaning up

6  Students should:  Earn enough points for desired grade.  Keep track of assignments and due dates  Check grades often  Inform teacher of mistakes quickly  Save ALL work until after grades are given.  Teacher should:  Grade/correct assignments  Record scores in computer.  Help students know what to do to get a better grade (DOES NOT WORK IF YOU WAITED UNTIL THE LAST WEEK OF THE TERM!)

7  We write in journals daily and turn in for points periodically, so, DON’T LOSE YOUR JOURNAL!

8  Drawing classes will work in a sketch book almost everyday. We will turn it in periodically for points, so, DON’T LOSE YOUR SKETCH BOOK!  We will talk about sketch books more later.

9  Each student is expected to participate in an “Artist Group”  We will talk more about this later.

10  HOMEWORK IS A BIG PART OF YOUR GRADE!  Plan on doing homework for this class every time we meet, however, if you work hard in class you can often do your home work in class.

11  You can earn up to 50 points extra credit per term.  You can do extra art projects, you can visit an Art Museum or I have some art magazines you can read and answer questions.  I also allow “re-dos” IF they are turned in no more than 2 weeks after the dead line.

12 1. Any assignment turned in after the due date receives ½ credit, UNLESS IT IS ACCOMPANIED BY A SIGNED LATE PASS! 2. Late passes are given for excused absences and pre- approved extensions. 3. LATE PASSES ARE ONLY GOOD FOR 2 WEEKS AFTER THE DUE DATE! 4. Due date are written in journals and posted on the class website if you forget ( 5. I don’t take late work the last week of the term.

13  I expect 100% honesty (No lying, cheating, deceiving, etc.)  If I catch you not being 100% honest you lose all points for the assignment and up to 50 additional points.  I have no sense of humor about dishonesty.

14  RESPECT  Yourself  Other students  Teacher  Equipment and supplies  PARTICIPATION  Prepared  Good attitude  Do assignments  Use time wisely  Join discussions  Clean up

15  DON’T LEAVE CLASS WITHOUT A HALL PASS!  If you do you will lose 20 points and get marked as an unexcused absence (even if it is 2 minutes before the bell rings)

16  When ya gotta go ya gotta go! You can use the hall pass up to 3 times per term (JUST ASK AND SIGN OUT).  If you don’t use them you can use them for extra credit at the end of the term.

17  REALLY, REALLY try to get to class on time!  YOU are responsible for what you missed if you are tardy.  If you are late, BE SURE TO SIGN IN or you will be marked absent.

18  If you miss school for a legitimate reason, including school excused absences, you have TWO WEEKS to find out what you missed and make it up.  Students with UNEXCUSED absences will NOT be allowed to make up the work. If you choose to skip class you choose to get a zero!

19  Everyone will be happy, happy, happy if you get the last page of the disclosure document signed (you and parent or guardian) and returned by NEXT CLASS PERIOD!  Don’t forget to sign the Reproduce/Display Permission Form as well!

20  The class website is:  It has a calendar of assignments and due dates, all journal entries, worksheets, power points used in class, examples, student art work and a lot more. Get familiar with it right away!  If you are absent, go find the journal entry. It is the quickest way to find out what you missed and important information you need to know.  Check it out ASAP!

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