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Elegant avoiding of obstacle Young Joon Kim MSRDS First Beginner Course – STEP5.

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Presentation on theme: "Elegant avoiding of obstacle Young Joon Kim MSRDS First Beginner Course – STEP5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elegant avoiding of obstacle Young Joon Kim MSRDS First Beginner Course – STEP5

2 2 Topics Preparing basic environment Detecting distance by using laser distance sensor Stopping robot driving Avoiding obstacles

3 3 Preparing basic environment

4 4 Add a “Data” activity and “SPL Engine” Type “Script/BasicEnv4.txt” in the “Data” activity

5 5 Preparing basic environment Execution result

6 6 Detecting distance by using laser distance sensor

7 7 Laser distance sensor –Detect distance against target –Notify distance with millimeter unit –Max distance is 8000 millimeter SPL Engine provides notification data for laser sensor –LRFNotify EntityName SensorData –DistanceMeasurements Detecting distance by using laser sensor

8 8 Add “SPL Sensors” service by dragging Detecting distance by using laser sensor

9 9 Add “Calculate” activity

10 10 Detecting distance by using laser sensor Connect the notification point of “SPL Sensors” to the input point of “Calculate” activity

11 11 Detecting distance by using laser sensor Select “LRFNotify” item from the left list

12 12 Detecting distance by using laser sensor Type ““Distance is “ +” in the Calculate Select “SensorData” from the list

13 13 Detecting distance by using laser sensor Add “.” Select “DistanceMeasurements” item from the list

14 14 Detecting distance by using laser sensor Add “[180]” –“Distance is “ + SensorData.DistanceMeasurements[180]

15 15 Laser Sensor Data DistanceMeasurements –Array of 361 distances For 180 angles, Detect distances by 0.5 degrees 0th index 360th 180th Millimeter unit, max distance is 8m(8000 millimeter) 90th 270th

16 16 Laser Sensor Data Distance for the front direction –SensorData.DistanceMeasurements[180] Distance for the right 45 degrees direction –SensorData.DistanceMeasurements[90] Distance for the left 45 degrees direction –SensorData.DistanceMeasurements[270] Distance for the right direction –SensorData.DistanceMeasurements[0] Distance for the left direction –SensorData.DistanceMeasurements[360]

17 17 Detecting distance by using laser sensor Add “HelloApps Console” service

18 18 Detecting distance by using laser sensor Connect the output point of “Calculate” activity to the input point of “Console” service

19 19 Detecting distance by using laser sensor Select “WriteLine” item from the right list

20 20 Detecting distance by using laser sensor Select “value” item from the left list

21 21 Detecting distance by using laser sensor Save and run diagram

22 22 Detecting distance by using laser sensor Execution results

23 23 Stopping robot driving

24 24 Stopping robot driving If the distance from obstacle is below 1m(1000millimeter), make a robot stop –If (SensorData.DistanceMeasurements[180] < 1000) myrobot.Stop()

25 25 Stopping robot driving Remove “Calculate” activity and “Console” service

26 26 Add a “If” activity Stopping robot driving

27 27 Connect the notification point of “SPL Sensors” to the input point of “If” activity Stopping robot driving

28 28 Stopping robot driving Select “LRFNotify” item from the list

29 29 Stopping robot driving Click textbox in the “If” activity Select “SensorData” item from the list

30 30 Stopping robot driving Type “.” Select “DistanceMeasurements” item from the list

31 31 Stopping robot driving Type “[180] < 1000”

32 32 Add “Stop driving” diagram Stopping robot driving Add diagram

33 33 Connect the output point of “If” condition to the input point of “Data” activity Stopping robot driving

34 34 Stopping robot driving Save and run diagram

35 35 Stopping robot driving Execution result Stop

36 36 Avoiding obstacles

37 37 Modify “Stop driving” diagram into “Turn 90 degrees” –Turn(90, 0.2) Avoiding obstacles

38 38 Add “Go forwards” diagram and connect them –Go(0.2) Avoiding obstacles

39 39 Avoiding obstacles Save and run diagram

40 40 Avoiding obstacles Execution result

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