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Snow Leopard By : AM.

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1 Snow Leopard By : AM

2 Family: Felidae Genus: Panthera Species: Unica

3 Physical Appearance White to Smokey-grey color yellow tinged fur and patterned grey to black spots. Has long body hair and thick woolly belly fur. Large paws Long thick tail for balance

4 Usually found in in elevations between 3,000-4,500 meters in steep terrain broken by cliffs, ridges, gullies, and rock outcrops Habitat

5 Symbiotic relationships
Commensalism with Tibetan blue sheep snow leopard eats the weakest member. Leopard gets a full belly and flock is unaffected Symbiotic relationships

6 Prey consists of wild sheep and goats but live stock will also be taken.
Most active at dawn and dusk. Capable of killing prey up to three times their own weight. Source of Energy

7 Reproduction Females reach sexual maturity at two to three years.
Mating season early January – Mid-march Litter size ranges from two to three cubs Reproduction

8 Classified as endangered on the IUCN red list also listed as appendix 1 of CITES.
Reasons: Natural prey have been hunted out of many areas. Big cats often turn to livestock as an alternative which leads to retaliation from farmers. Fur was once highly prized in the international fashion world. Threats

9 Threats to other organisms
Hunts creatures and livestock. Threats to other organisms

10 Importance of organism
Controls population and health of wild animals. Importance of organism

11 Sources

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