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CITY STATES UNIT 1 WORLD HISTORY. What are City-States? Cities and the surrounding areas They developed their own government They functioned much like.

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Presentation on theme: "CITY STATES UNIT 1 WORLD HISTORY. What are City-States? Cities and the surrounding areas They developed their own government They functioned much like."— Presentation transcript:


2 What are City-States? Cities and the surrounding areas They developed their own government They functioned much like an independent country does today

3 Where did City-States form? The 1 st cities formed in the cradle of civilization (Mesopotamia) Sumer Cities such as Uruk, Kish, Lagash, Umma, Ur

4 Where did City-States form? Phoenicians formed along the Mediterranean Sea (What is now the country of Lebanon) Cities such as Byblos, Tyre, & Sidon

5 This chart gives examples of the extent of the Phoenician trade network


7 Where did City-States form? The Harappans in India / Indus River Valley The largest cities were Kalibangan, Mohenjo- Daro, & Harappa

8 Grid City Pattern?? What can the grid style of this city tell us about the people that lived there?

9 City-States Form A City with its own government controlled the land (farms) around it It functioned much like its own country

10 Why did City-States Form??? Simply…it is the convergence of the 5 traits of civilization!!! You can see all 5 traits within a city-state

11 Cultural Dominance The surplus of food allowed for long distance trading This allowed for many city-states in the same region to share the same culture / ideas

12 Cultural Dominance The way of life in many city-states was very similar (according to the region) The exchange of products & ideas helped spread culture

13 Harrappan Cultural Dominance In the Harappan culture, there was uniformity in religion & culture Also had similar classes of people - Trade helped to unify

14 Military defeat did not mean the end…. Sumer culture withstood the conquest of Sargon of Akkad Trade, religion & culture was adopted by the Akkadians

15 Not the end for the Phoenicians….. Phoenician exiles moved to Carthage to continue shipping after overrun by the Assyrians Later the Persians & Babylonians would spread the Phoenician alphabet across Europe & Asia

16 The Downfall of the Sumerian City-States Sumerian city-states were in state of constant warfare from 3000-2000 B.C. They could not unite to fight off attacks from outsiders Eventually conquered by Sargon of Akkad

17 The Downfall Harrapan City-States Around 1750 B.C., the great cities in Harrapa fell into decay Earthquakes & floods altered the course of the Indus river These disasters forced people to move

18 The Downfall of the Phoenician City-States While the Sumerians competed politically & militarily…the Phoenicians competed economically

19 So why did City-States Fall??? LACK OF UNITY!!! While competition makes everyone better, it weakened the overall region It made each civilization vulnerable to outside aggression

20 So what are the strengths and weaknesses of a City-State Structured Complex Society??? Strength: Greater cultural expression and participation Strength: Greater civic participation Strength: Easy organization and rule Strength: Relatively easy defense system

21 So what are the strengths and weaknesses of a City-State Structured Complex Society??? Weakness: LACK OF UNITY!!!While competition makes everyone better, it weakened the overall region. It made each civilization vulnerable to outside aggression. What can defeat a City-State?

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