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BIG CHANGES AFOOT: A LOOK 5+ YEARS FORWARD Marshall Breeding Independent Consultant, Author, and Founder and Publisher, Library Technology Guides

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Presentation on theme: "BIG CHANGES AFOOT: A LOOK 5+ YEARS FORWARD Marshall Breeding Independent Consultant, Author, and Founder and Publisher, Library Technology Guides"— Presentation transcript:

1 BIG CHANGES AFOOT: A LOOK 5+ YEARS FORWARD Marshall Breeding Independent Consultant, Author, and Founder and Publisher, Library Technology Guides Sept 26, 2012 Te Puna Library Managers Workshop

2 Goals  Short Provocative presentation  Insight into where bibliographic utilities and National Union Catalogs will be in five years  Technology trends related to systems supporting cataloguing and interlibrary loan functions  The National Library, in conjunction with the Te Puna Strategic Advisory Committee (Chaired by Janet Copsey) is preparing to review how the Te Puna services are delivered  The timing of the review coincides with the time frame when we need to go to tender and renegotiate the national license to OCLC bibliographic and FirstSearch Services

3 Current Environment  The Te Puna services are underpinned by Ex Libris Voyager for the National Union Catalog and bibliographic Utility  OCLC VDX system for Interlibrary Loan  Both are “mature” systems that we anticipate replacing in the next few years

4 Te Puna Service Components – Directory of NZ Libraries OCLC cataloguing tools Te Puna Interloan and IBS OCLC Registry Te Puna cataloguing tools Te Puna support & training Te Puna SchoolsCat OCLC WorldCat NZ Libraries Catalogue National Union Catalogue OCLC FirstSearch base package TMQ Osmosis and other batchloading

5 How local catalogues and the NUC/WorldCat are built

6 ILS implementations in NZ - Libraries

7 ILS implementations in NZ - facilities

8 Automation in NZ Academic Libraries

9 Projections for National Utilities & Infrastructure  Many countries working toward national infrastructure  Denmark, Chile, Iceland  Technology platforms will scale to the national level for most countries  OCLC will develop attractive offerings in support of national infrastructure

10 Changes afoot at OCLC

11 WorldShare Platform  WorldShare Management Services  Originally “Web-scale Management Services”  First public conversations in 2009  Production service July 1, 2010  WorldShare brand launched in Dec 2012  WorldShare License Manager  Supports electronic resource management  January 2012  WorldShare Metadata Management  Sept 2013: metadata for e-content packages  WorldShare Interlibrary Loan  Transition completed by year-end 2013

12 WorldShare Interlibrary Loan  New platform for WorldCat Resource Sharing  Initially delivered with similar functionality  No data migration: uses same transactional database as WCRS  Patron interface transitions from FirstSearch to WorldCat Local  Beta testing in 2012 > phased production by end of 2013

13 WorldShare Interlibrary Loan  Functionality will evolve over time relative to other product spaces  Assume that WorldShare Resource Sharing will encroach on:  VDX: WorldCat Local enabled with connectors to local ILS implementations or WMS  ILLIad: Increasing incorporation of workflow tools for resource sharing through WorldShare Platform  Odyssey / Ariel: Cloud based posting of documents

14 VDX > WorldCat Navigator  VDX originally developed by Fretwell-Downing in 1990’s  Initial functionality of WorldShare ILL will preserve need for VDX  Unique functionality might diminish as WorldShare and WorldCat platforms mature

15 WorldShare Management Services  Significant proportion of market share by 2017  Gaps in functionality and scale will narrow relative to legacy systems  OCLC-owned legacy systems will decline  ProductAcquiredDeveloped  Amlib:20081993  Sisis 20051997  OLIB 20051989  LBS 2002?  CBS 2002?  Bibliotheca 20111996 (roots in 1980’s)

16 OCLC will eventually consolidate products to platforms  CBS (PICA)  TouchPoint (Sisis)  Zportal / Xportal (FDI)  WorldCat Link Resolver  All Legacy ILS  VDX WorldCatWorldShare Speculative

17 Changes afoot at Ex Libris

18 Eventual product consolidation  Alma for resource management  Eventual transition of Voyager and Aleph  Immediate transition of Verde  SFX  DigiTool for digital collections  Primo / Primo Central for Discovery  Rosetta for Preservation  Possible integration into Alma?

19 Reconceptualization of Automation  Current organization of functionality based on past assumptions  Possible new organizing principles  Fulfillment = Circulation + ILL + DCB + e-commerce  Resource management = Cataloging + Acquisitions + Serials + ERM  Customer Relationship Management = Reference + Circulation + ILL (public services)  Enterprise Resource Planning = Acquisitions + Collection Development

20 Library Management Systems  Introduction of new Library Services Platforms  Compressive resource management: print, electronic, digital  New technology platforms: SOA / Web-based interfaces  Designed for deployment through software as a service (multi-tenant)  Examples: Ex Libris Alma, Serials Solutions Intota, OCLC WorldShare Platform, Innovative Interfaces Sierra, Kuali OLE

21 Changes afoot in Standards

22 OSI ILL (ISO 10160 / 10161)  Based on pre-internet protocols  BER (Basic Encoding Rules)  ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One)  TCP/IP sockets  Not:  http / https  XML  Web Services  Testing and implementation process arduous at best

23 ISO ILL (ISO 10160 / 10161)  Used extensively in New Zealand, Australia, & Canada  Less traction everywhere else  Most systems provide some level of support:  OCLC WorldCat Resource Sharing  ILLiad  Relais ILL  VDX / WorldCat Navigator

24 ISO ILL Status  All systems will maintain support  Additional (preferred?) support for Web services  OCLC WorldCat Resource Sharing API  Example: Relais will shift to using API instead of ISO ILL to move transactions into WorldCat Resource Sharing  Request Transfer Message: a community profile for OpenURL  GSM: Generic Script Messaging – Older messaging system from CISTI

25 ILS Interoperability standards and protocols  Expect consolidation and modernization:  NCIP: broad scope, but used only within resource sharing environments  SIP2: used for patron and item transactions  SIP3: Proposed by 3M and donated to NISO  DLF ILS-DI protocol (Integrated Library System - Discovery Interface) Used to updated discovery indexes and poll availability status

26 Changes in Bibliographic Services  OCLC will maintain and increase dominant position  But:  Other platform providers will build competing services  Ex Libris Community Zone  Serials Solutions expanded KnowledgeWorks  Innovative Interfaces / SkyRiver  Linked data may change everything

27 Discovery / Union Catalogs  Te Puna: currently resides in Voyager implementation  Voyager product aging  Current Ex Libris development focused on Alma

28 Many competitors for Web-scale discovery  OCLC will grow in its dominant position,  But:  Metadata will become an increasing commodity  Broad releases of MARC records through Creative Commons Public Domain license  Data will become a commodity  Services will be strategic and differentiating

29 Discovery Options  WorldCat Local  Current / Replacement ILS  Other Discovery Services  Primo / Primo Central  Summon (more article oriented)  EBSCO Discovery Services (articles)  SOLR (Blacklight / VuFind)

30 General trend toward Cloud Computing  Transition from locally managed systems to hosted  Major implications on resource allocation, including personnel, equipment and facilities  Systems with substantially different architectures and functional organization  Data storage implications  Options for in-country hosting facilities?  Increased opportunity for replication  Increased opportunities for collaborative management and access

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