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1 An Income Program for People with Disabilities: The Blueprint A Presentation by the Disability Income Support Task Team.

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Presentation on theme: "1 An Income Program for People with Disabilities: The Blueprint A Presentation by the Disability Income Support Task Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 An Income Program for People with Disabilities: The Blueprint A Presentation by the Disability Income Support Task Team

2 2 Our Presentation…. Task Team - Background and Purpose Principles and Goals – The New “Foundation” Sharing New Ideas – “ Building the New House” Who is it for? How do you get in the program? What will the benefit be like? What will the service be like?

3 3 Background October 2006 - Disability Income Support Coalition (DISC) formed to advocate for a separate dignified income support for people with disabilities to be developed in collaboration with the disability community. October 2008 - Minister of Social Services announced the development of a separate dignified income program for people with disabilities. The announcement included a commitment to collaborate and consult with disability community on the design and roll out of the new program.

4 4 Background January 2009 - Community and Government Task Team formed Task Team includes community representation from DISC, PIND, the Saskatchewan Abilities Council and government representation from the Ministry of Social Services January – March 2009 – regular meetings to develop recommendations for a new program Task Team will submit a report to the Minister in spring 2009

5 5 Task Team Purpose Develop recommendations for the new income program – The Blueprint! Task Team asked for recommendations on: Who should be eligible? How to determine who is eligible? (eligibility and assessment processes) How should the program work? (What kind of benefits? What type of service?) How much? $$$ Money issues not part of Task Team work

6 6 Community Meetings TODAY…… Want to share the work the Task Team has done so far NEED YOUR INPUT AND FEEDBACK Are we on track? MOST IMPORTANTLY - We do not have all the answers and we need your advice and input

7 7 The New Foundation: Program Principles and Goals

8 8 New Foundation SAP was not designed for people with disabilities Need a program that reflects that people with disabilities have unique needs and usually need longer term support Need new program – one that is different So – we start with a new foundation…..

9 9 New Foundation: Draft Principles Dignified and respectful Person-centered Empowering Non-intrusive Collaborative Separate Easily accessible Simple Individualized and portable Flexible Timely Impact-based Fair and transparent Aligned A high quality service Accountable Sustainable A well designed disability income support program is: Watch for…. 

10 10 New Foundation: Draft Goals Provide income support for those with limited ability to work Promote participation in community life learning opportunities recreation volunteer activities paid employment

11 11 Building the New House: What might it look like?

12 12 Four areas of discussion: 1.Who is it for? 2.How do you get in the program? 3.What will the benefit be like? 4.What will the service be like? What…….

13 13 Who is it for? People with work-limiting disabilities – initial definition provided Must be 18 years of age The disability must be SIGNIFICANT and ENDURING The disability must limit the ability to work Individuals must have little or no income Not everyone who has a disability on SAP today will be part of the new program – the program will be for those with SIGNIFICANT and ENDURING disabilities

14 14 Who is it for? Significant means a disability that has a substantial impact on daily living/work activities and that requires support Enduring means a continuous or periodic disability that is expected to be permanent or indefinite

15 15  ENDURING  SIGNIFICANT  New Program SAP Today   How do you get in? What do we need to know? Presence Impact Duration Who?? Primarily doctors Doctors + others Who?? A new approach to assessing for disability……. 

16 16 How do you get in? More emphasis on the IMPACT of the disability Assessment likely two stages: Determine IMPACT first (variety of people might be able to do) Then get information to establish ENDURING (could be from a doctor, could be from others too) 

17 17 How do you get in? Also need to assess INCOME Will be simpler than SAP is today – recognizing that most will have limited income Less frequent reporting – maybe annual only Simpler & less intrusive Will better support periodic employment Allow people to keep more of what they earn 

18 18 What will the benefit be like? THREE PART BENEFIT Part 1 – “Basic Living Income” The Alberta Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) program provides flat rate benefits. All benefits including food shelter, utilities, personal costs are provided in a single benefit. Use simple flat rate benefit amounts Monthly Would cover food, clothing, shelter Simpler Less reporting Greater flexibility   

19 19 What will the benefit be like? Part 2 - “Disability Income”  Flat rates for the range of routine costs associated with the impact of a disability (eg. dietary, special transportation). Monthly Would require limited reporting or receipts Part 3 - “Exceptional Needs Benefit” A benefit for emergency or extraordinary items Would be based on reporting of actual expenses As needed, not monthly Maintains flexibility  

20 20 What will the benefit be like? Year One (2010?) Future Years (2011+) Would vary by impact Would ↑ with impact   Exceptional Needs SAP rules New rules

21 21 What will the service be like? Ability to choose – different service for different needs Overall – less intrusive – less interaction Examples: Routine – by email, phone, or web Initial application/assessment – in person Complicated circumstances – in person Periodic reviews – some in person, some by mail, web, etc. Self service where it makes sense – least intrusive  

22 22 What will the service be like? Ministry staff will still deliver Staff will have specialized disability related knowledge and training A less intrusive program will make it simpler for staff as well – will mean Ministry can shift resources to providing other higher value service to clients Will also mean a shift…. “Case Work” Model “Client Service” Model FROM TO  

23 23 Next Steps The Task Team will finalize these recommendations based on your feedback today Report to Minister in May 2009 We don’t have all the answers – more detailed design to follow later…. This will be a multi year process! Please be patient!

24 24 Help us get it right!

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