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 The Ruhr Crisis was France’s response to Germany’s failure to pay reparations according to the Treaty of Versailles.

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2  The Ruhr Crisis was France’s response to Germany’s failure to pay reparations according to the Treaty of Versailles.


4  France and Britain disagreed on how to deal with Germany for not paying reparations. -Britain wanted them to be able to rebuild their economy -France wanted to weaken their economy through reparations

5  French and Belgium sent forces on Jan. 11 th to occupy Germany’s main industrial region when the Germans didn’t pay the scheduled reparations.

6  Germany missed a delivery of timber as part of their reparations  The goal of France was to collect the missed payment from the Germans by taking the goods from the mines and factories and shipping them to France

7  The workers didn’t cooperate with the French and Belgian forces. Instead, they destroyed the goods, mines, and factories in protest.  German workers protested and became violent towards the French and Belgian troops. German Protest

8  The destruction of goods led to hyperinflation in Germany.  Attempting to fix the problem, the German govt. printed more money which only led to more inflation.

9 "Modern History." - The Ruhr Crisis 1923. Web. 08 Mar. 2012. "IB Guides." IB History Notes. Web. 08 Mar. 2012.. "English Historical Review." The Ruhr Crisis, 1923–1924. Web. 08 Mar. 2012..

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