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1 Cells

2 2 Types of Cells Prokaryotic Cells: Bacteria and Archaea Small
No nucleus Lack membrane bound organelles Eukaryotic Cells: Animals, Plants, Fungi, and Protists Larger, More complex Have a nucleus Have membrane bound organelles

3 Prokaryotic Cell

4 Eukaryotic Cell Animal Cell Plant Cell
Animal Cell Plant Cell

5 Cell Membrane Phospholipid Bilayer:
- Hydrophilic (water loving) heads face outside cell - Hydrophobic (water hating) tails face inside Fluid Mosaic Model: Phospholipids and proteins are able to move freely passed one another.

6 Selective Permeability
- Some substances are able to pass through the membrane more easily than others. - Some substances are not able to pass through at all. - Transport proteins: Allow certain substances into and out of the cell. (ex. Glucose)

7 Passive Transport: Require no energy
- DIFFUSION: Movement across the membrane from high concentration to low concentration - FACILITATED DIFFUSION: Movement from high concentration to low concentration through a protein

8 Active Transport: Requires energy
- Uses a membrane protein and energy (ATP)

9 Check Point 1. Describe the differences (3) between a Prokaryotic cell and a Eukaryotic cell 2. What organisms are classified as prokaryotic? As Eukaryotic? 3. How do phospholipids tend to organize into a bilayer in an aqueous solution? 4. Explain how each word in the term Fluid Mosaic Model describes the structure of the membrane

10 Organelles Nucleus: Storage place for genetic material (DNA)
Nuclear Envelope: Membrane surrounding the nucleus. - Has pores that lets things enter and leave the nucleus Nucleolus: Produces the parts that make up ribosomes

11 Organelles Ribosomes: Site of protein synthesis
- Located in the cytoplasm (Can be found floating in cytoplasm or attached to the endoplasmic reticulum)

12 Endoplasmic Reticulum
Organelles Endoplasmic Reticulum Rough ER: Studded with ribosomes. Transport proteins produced by these ribosomes to cell membrane . These proteins are either part of the membrane or leave the cell. Smooth ER: - Synthesize lipids (such as steroid hormones) - Detoxification of drugs and poisons

13 Organelles Golgi Apparatus: - Receives products from the ER.
- The products are modified and leave the Golgi in vesicles. - They are sent to their final destination either inside the cell or to the membrane to leave the cell.

14 Organelles Lysosomes: Contain digestive enzymes that digest proteins, carbs, fats, and nucleic acids - digest food that enters the cell and releases nutrients - destroy harmful bacteria (White Blood Cells) -recycle damaged organelles

15 Organelles Vacuoles: 2 types
1. Contractile Vacuole: Found in some single celled organisms. They pump excess water out of the cell. 2. Central Vacuole: Stores nutrients such as proteins. Much larger in plants than in animals Contractile Vacuoles Central Vacuole

16 Check Point 1.What is the function of the ribosome?
2.What makes the rough ER rough? 3.What is the relationship between the Golgi apparatus and the ER in a protein-secreting cell? 4.What do you think would happen if a lysosome were to break open within a cell? Explain.

17 Organelles Chloroplasts: Site of photosynthesis in plants and some protist - PHOTOSYNTHESIS: Conversion of light energy from the sun to chemical energy of sugar - Not found in animal cells. Why?

18 Organelles Mitochondria: Site of cellular respiration
- CELLULAR RESPIRATION: The process of obtaining energy from food ATP = NRG (energy)

19 Cell Wall Found in PLANTS and some Protists as well as bacteria
1. Protects cell 2. Maintains shape of the cell 3. Keeps cell from absorbing too much water

20 Cytoplasm: Jelly like substance that fills cells
Cytoskeleton: 1. Mechanical support for the cell and allows cell to maintain its shape 2. Anchorage and reinforcement for many organelles via microtubules -Microtubules also involved in cell division 3. Flexible and dynamic Cytoplasm: Jelly like substance that fills cells

21 PLANT v. ANIMAL CELLS Animals Plants -No cell wall -No chloroplasts
-Have centrioles (for cell division) -Smaller vacuoles -Have cell walls -Have chloroplasts -No centrioles -VERY large central vacuole

22 Animal Cell Plant Cell



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