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 Azurite is used occasionally as beads and as jewelry, and also as an ornamental stone. However, its softness and tendency to lose its deep blue.

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4  Azurite is used occasionally as beads and as jewelry, and also as an ornamental stone. However, its softness and tendency to lose its deep blue color as it weathers limit such uses.  Crystal system monoclinic prismatic  Jeremejevite Colors clear, white, yellowish, blue  Crystal system Hexagonal - Dipyramidal

5  Rhodochrosite Colors Red to pink, Brown to yellow, gray to white.  Rhodochrosite is used as a manganese ore. It also can make for great changes in your love life  Crystal system Trifocal - Hexagonal Scalenohedral

6 Vanadinite Along with carnotite and roscoelite, vanadinite is one of the main industrial ores of the element vanadium, which can be extracted by roasting and smelting Colour Bright red, orange-red, red-brown, brown, yellow, grey or colourless, may be concentrically zoned Crystal system Hexagonal Erythrite it can make a difference in your life Colors Crimson to peach-red, pale rose, or pink, may be zoned Crystal system- Monoclinic

7  Ettringite is a beautiful and interesting mineral for collectorsColorless, pale yellow, milky white  Crystal system trigonal  Physically, Shetucket is a general health tonic, which can help to relieve a myriad of a minor  Shattuckite Color Dark and light blue, turquoise  Crystal system- orthorhombic

8  Cerussite can make a difference in your life.  Color Colorless, white, gray, blue, or green  Crystal system Orthorhombic - Dipyramidal  Cuprite can also make a difference in your life. Help us out by sharing your opinion.  Color Dark red to conchineal red, sometimes almost black

9  Diamond Color Typically yellow, brown or gray to colorless. Less often blue, green, black, translucent white, pink, violet, orange, purple and red.  Crystal system Isometric- Hexoctahedral (Cubic)  SmithsoniteColor White, grey, yellow, green to apple- green, blue, pink, purple, bluish grey, and brown.helps you deal with difficult relationships  Crystal systemTrigonal- Hexagonal Scalenohedral

10  Erythrite It can bring harmony to communications and can impart responsiveness to the user  Crystal system Monoclinic - Prismatic  Color Crimson to peach-red, pale rose, or pink, may be zoned  MalachiteIn addition it may be used to help us understand the mechanics of illness on all levels of being; physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual  Color Bright green, dark green, blackish green, commonly banded in masses; green to yellowish green in transmitted light  Crystal system Monoclinic— prismatic

11  Chalcanthite it can be used as an ore of copper. It is also helpful for disorders of the urinary and reproduction systems.  Color Berlin blue to sky-blue, greenish blue  Crystal systemTriclinic  Azurite can help control the flow of energy and bring just the right amount of it to any situation  Color Azure-blue, Berlin blue, very dark to pale blue; pale blue in transmitted light  Crystal system Monoclinic Prismatic

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