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Following Directions Created by : Agatha Lee January 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Following Directions Created by : Agatha Lee January 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Following Directions Created by : Agatha Lee January 2010

2 Good Readers understand how to follow directions.

3 There are some important rules you should remember while following directions.

4 Read the directions all the way through before beginning.

5 Gather all the materials you will need to begin.

6 Look at the title and photographs or illustrations.
Ingredients: 3/4 cup of brown sugar 3/4 cup of sugar 2 eggs 2-1/4 cups of flour Directions: 1. Mix the brown sugar and sugar together until creamy. 2. Add two eggs to mixture. 3. Add flour and mix well. Chocolate Chip Cookies

7 Look for clue words. first next then finally

8 Follow the steps in order.

9 Hand-made Tambourine Directions:
* First, color the back of two paper plates. * Then, place the paper plates together with the insides facing each other. * Next, staple around the edges, leaving an opening of about an inch. * After that, pour a handful of dried beans into your tambourine at the opening and staple the opening closed. * Finally, glue tiny silver balls around the edges of the plate. Supplies: 2 paper plates crayons stapler dried beans glue tiny silver bells

10 What was the first step in that art project?
A. Staple the edges of the paper plates. B. Use crayons to color the back of the paper plates. C. Glue bells to the edge of the paper plates. The first step in those directions was to use crayons to color the back of the paper plates.

11 What would happen if you don’t staple the paper plates closed?
A. The bells would fall off. B. The plates would be without color. C. The beans would fall out when you start shaking it. The beans would fall out when you start shaking your new tambourine.

12 How does the picture help you?
A. It shows you how to share your project. B. It shows you the supplies you’ll need to make it. C. It shows you how the project should look. The picture shows you how the tambourine is supposed to look.

13 What would be a good title for this project?
A. Shake That Tambourine B. How To Make a Trombone C. Glitter Art “Shake That Tambourine” would be an appropriate title for this project.

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