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Cerebellum Overview and structure of cerebellum Microcircuitry of cerebellum Motor learning.

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1 Cerebellum Overview and structure of cerebellum Microcircuitry of cerebellum Motor learning

2 Overview “small brain” Weight: 10% of entire brain Number of neurons: 50% (due to large number of small granule cells) Cerebellar cortex: highly regular structure Function: coordination, balance, motor learning, etc.

3 Dorsal view Sagital view fastigial nuclei The cerebellum consists of the cerebellar cortex and a set of deep nuclei interposed nuclei dentate nuclei

4 Vermis  fastigial nuclei, control proximal muscles Intermediate zone  interposed nuclei, control distal muscles Lateral zone  dentate Flocculonodular Descending system to brain stem, motor execution Connect to motor & premotor cortices, planning and initiation of movement Connect to vestibular nuclei, control balance and eye movement Different regions of cerebellar cortex are connected to different deep nuclei


6 5 cell types Stellate Basket (molecular layer) Purkinje (Purkinje layer) Golgi Granular (Granular layer) Microcircuitry of cerebellum

7 Inputs: Climbing fiber (“+”, excitatory) Mossy fiber (+) Output: Purkinje cell axon (“-”, inhibitory)

8 Purkinje cell 2-D dendritic tree perpendicular to the long convolutions of the cortex

9 First direct pathway: climbing fiber (+)  Purkinje cells (-)  deep nuclei each climbing fiber projects to a single Purkinje cell each Purkinje cell receives input from a single climbing fiber Powerful excitatory connection, each climbing fiber spike cause a burst of spikes in Purkinje cell (called a “complex spike”)

10 Second direct pathway: Mossy fiber (+)  granule cells (axon: parallel fibers, +)  Purkinje cells (-)  deep nuclei each parallel fiber projects to thousands of Purkinje cells (high divergence) each Purkinje cell receives input from ~200,000 parallel fibers (high convergence) Weak excitatory connection, spatiotemporal summation of inputs from many parallel fibers causes a single spike in Purkinje cell (called a “simple spike”) glomeruli

11 Lateral inhibition: granule cells (axon: parallel fibers, +)  stellate and basket cells (-)  Purkinje cells in a different row Negative feedback: granule cells (axon: parallel fibers, +)  Golgi cells (-)  granule cells

12 Everything together

13 Cerebellum and motor learning During learning of a new motor task, subject makes mistakes, but the error reduces with practice The standard notion is that the “error signal” causes changes in brain circuits involved in motor control (e.g., cerebellum), thus improving motor performance Patient H.M., who had bilateral removal of medial temporal lobe and lack of ability to form episodic memory, but motor learning is intact, indicating it is mediated by different brain structure

14 Cerebellum and motor learning In a well-known model of cerebellum motor learning, climbing fiber activity represents error signals (difference between expected and actual sensory inputs, e.g., the template and the actual drawing). Experimentally, simultaneous activation of climbing fibers and parallel fibers converging onto the same Purkinje cell can cause long- term depression of parallel fiber  Purkinje synapse, which may underlie motor learning.

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