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The Celts and their culture 3° A, Leonardo Santini, Indri Patrick.

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Presentation on theme: "The Celts and their culture 3° A, Leonardo Santini, Indri Patrick."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Celts and their culture 3° A, Leonardo Santini, Indri Patrick

2 The period known as the Iron Age lasted in Britain for about 800 years (from c.750 BC to AD 43). Many social and religious changes occurred In spite of the huge number of tribes the pattern of every day life in an Iron Age village can be described in quite generalised terms.

3 In the main, tribes were led by kings. There are instances recorded where women participated both in warfare and in kingship, although they were in the minority in these areas. Celtic were portraied as being divided into three groups: a warrior aristocracy; an intellectual class including professions such as druid and everyone else

4 The tribes were organized into clans wich were corporations of families The most important tribes were: Votadini (09) Brigantes (10) Trinovantes (27)

5 As for eating, bread was an important part of any meal. In addition to this, the Roman writer Pliny explains that grain was also fermented to make beer. Other than cereal grains, few plant materials survived. However we can assume that Iron Age people supplemented their diet with edible berries, leaves, flowers, nuts and roots. Milk and dairy products would have been available in addition to fish, birds, and the occasional wild animal. Honey would also have been available as a sweetener.

6 In southern Britain mostly lived in circular houses with conical thatched roofs. They are known as “Roundhouses”. The building materials required for Iron Age roundhouses called for the careful management of natural resources. The roundhouses are very efficient buildings, and are capable of withstanding extreme weather conditions.

7 All Celts took care of their appearance, especially warriors, practiced weight control and were fined if they gained too much weight. Celtic clothing was bright and woven out of linen or wool. Basic jewelry consisted of torcs, pins made out of bone or antler Torcs were made of gold, silver, bronze or iron and only worn by those of high status

8 The Celts had many gods and goddesses The Celts worshipped their gods through sacrifice. The Celts even sacrificed humans. The Celtic religion was closely related to the natural world

9 The druids were the Celts' priests, responsible for all sorts of religious ceremonies. They were educated and powerful members of the tribe The Druids were suppressed by the Romans but survived as poets, historians, and judges.

10 Stonehenge is a prehistoric monume nt Possible functions include an astronomical observatory or a site for religious rituals. It appears to be some kind of prehistoric cosmological model.


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