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Features An Introduction. News vs. Features Facts Straightforward and simple Timely, to the point Leads are right to the point Whole article sticks to.

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Presentation on theme: "Features An Introduction. News vs. Features Facts Straightforward and simple Timely, to the point Leads are right to the point Whole article sticks to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Features An Introduction

2 News vs. Features Facts Straightforward and simple Timely, to the point Leads are right to the point Whole article sticks to the facts Narrative or expository Descriptive, detailed and colorful Longer, more creative Leads have flair or are anecdotal Human interest and emotion

3 Feature Leads Narrative – an account of the events Descriptive – based upon fact Striking Statement – bold, with flair Astonisher – surprise or shock your reader

4 Kinds of Features Human Interest involves people, not things -Examples: students winning awards – someone retiring – what it’s like stories

5 Features, contd. Interviews Usually done with prominent persons Two Types: informational – an authority whose opinions are of extreme value personality interviews – interesting for the individual, not the subject matter

6 Features, contd. Informational Historical, social or practical interest Examples: history of…, how to…, what to do if…

7 Features, contd. Personality Sketches Reveal personality through stories about that person Include: mannerisms, actions, dress, experiences, physical appearance, hobbies, influence on others, etc.

8 Features, contd. Commentary Directly addresses an issue Logical organization, clear evidence and facts needed to be persuasive Either: -informative, discussing both sides of an issue -or – take a position for or against a topic

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