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 Each group member will receive one poem per round.  As a group, complete the challenge for each poem. The rules will vary depending on the challenge.

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2  Each group member will receive one poem per round.  As a group, complete the challenge for each poem. The rules will vary depending on the challenge.  Packets/Books may be used.  1 st place will receive 2 bonus points, 2 nd place will receive 1.

3  Hunting:  For the next five minutes, find as many literary devices in this poem as you can.  You may use your poetry packet for the terms.  Have one group member write up your list. You must include an example for each device you mention.

4  Speed Test: Find examples/explain of all ten literary devices in the fastest time. 1.Rhyme Scheme 2.Allusion 3.Personification 4.Metaphor 5.Figurative Language 6.Simile 7.Imagery 8.Tone 9.Speaker 10.Parallelism

5  Magic Trick: As a group, read this poem and find the Pledge, Turn and Prestige.  You must be able to explain the meaning of each.  You have five minutes.

6  Challenge: Balderdash  As a group, create a theme you which best fits this poem.  You must create a theme you believe others will guess correctly.  After five minutes, I will collect the themes and the class will “vote” on the best theme. You will get points for voting for the correct theme. The top vote getter will receive the most points.

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