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Cloth Simulation Pertemuan 07 Matakuliah : UO714 / Technology for Animation Tahun : 2009.

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2 Cloth Simulation Pertemuan 07 Matakuliah : UO714 / Technology for Animation Tahun : 2009

3 Bina Nusantara Cloth provides you with advanced tools for creating realistic fabrics and tailor-made clothing for characters and creatures. The Cloth system comprises two modifiers: The Cloth modifier is responsible for simulating the motion of cloth as it interacts with the environment, which may include collision objects (a character or a table, for example) and external forces, such as gravity and wind.Cloth modifier The Garment Maker modifier is a specialized tool for creating 3D garments from 2D splines, similarly to the way real clothes are made, by stitching together flat pieces of cloth.Garment Maker modifier You can model clothing in two ways: by creating the cloth objects with standard 3ds Max modeling methods and applying the Cloth modifier to them, or by designing virtual clothing patterns with splines and stitching together these various virtual panels to form a full garment using the Garment Maker modifier. With Garment Maker, you can even import spline patterns from external applications and use these as your pattern panels. Overview

4 Bina Nusantara Garment Maker is a modifier that is designed to put together 2D patterns that you can then use with Cloth. With Garment Maker you can take a simple, flat, spline-based pattern and convert it to a mesh, arrange its panels, and create seams to sew the panels together. You can also specify internal seam lines for creases and cuts.Clothinternal seam lines Garment Maker Modifier

5 Bina Nusantara The Cloth modifier is the heart of the Cloth system, and is applied to all objects in your scene that need to be part of the Cloth simulation. This is where you define cloth and collision objects, assign properties, and execute the simulation. Other controls include creating constraints, interactively dragging the cloth, and erasing parts of the simulation. Cloth Modifier

6 Bina Nusantara Traditionally, sewing patterns are cut from flat pieces of cloth and stitched together. The place where one piece of cloth is sewn to another is called a seam. Patterns are generally symmetrical, where the left side of the garment matches the right. Cloth Pattern Design Overview

7 Bina Nusantara Shirt Pattern A shirt pattern is slightly more complicated. A simple T-shirt pattern is made of two pieces, one for the front and another for the back. The collar on the back piece is higher than the collar on the front. You sew seams up the sides and at the shoulders, leaving the arm hole open. You can also add sleeves to the shirt. A sleeve pattern is bell-shaped.

8 Bina Nusantara Pants Pattern A pants pattern has a curved shape at the top to accommodate the hips. The longer straight edge is the outside seam, while the shorter edge is the inseam. The curve near the top fits around the belly or buttocks, and under the crotch area. Each piece is cut twice. The two front pieces are sewn together along the crotch, and the two back pieces are sewn together in the same way. Then the front is attached to the back at the outside seams and inseams.

9 Bina Nusantara Dart Pattern Darts are diamond-shaped holes inside a panel or V-shaped cutouts at an edge of a garment panel (see figure below), which when closed up cause the garment to assume a curved shape.

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