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Module 20 STEP 10 Division Engineer’s Transmittal Letter

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1 Module 20 STEP 10 Division Engineer’s Transmittal Letter
Civil Works Orientation Course - FY 11

2 Objective Understand what is a Division Engineer’s Transmittal Letter, its purpose, and how it is processed

3 EC “Division Engineers Submittal of Final Decision Document for projects requiring specific authorization” This is one of those items which has recently changed, and a matter of streamlining. You used to have to prepare a Division Engineers Report or you could send it out for what’s called the State Agency Review where you’d send it an agency head to share all the information, even above the public review process. But we got away from that and this has now become a transmittal letter where the division engineer is saying this is good to proceed. EC , this talks about what’s supposed to be inside there, and Appendix H, and will have all the information that you will need.

4 EC Highlights Replaces Division Engineer’s Public Notice with a Division Engineer’s Transmittal Letter Provides Sample Text of Transmittal Letter Requires District Commander to prepare a “Report Summary” for each final feasibility report submitted for Washington Level Review (see attachment) – SHOULD NOT EXCEED TEN (10) PAGES Provides standard outline for “Report Summary” Effective 31 March 2005 Like is said, it replaces the public notice with a transmittal letter and requires the District Commander to prepare this reports summary. Well the District Commander never prepares this report summary. Your district’s point of contact is never going to prepare this report summary. Who is going to prepare this report summary? You will, PM or Lead Planner. Of course we have your standard outlines for the reports which are in Appendix H. Here’s an example.

5 DE Transmittal Letter Official submittal of the feasibility report to HQUSACE with the Division Commander’s endorsement Allows District to negotiate PED agreement with sponsor (Module 23) BLUF, is it really the DE’s submittal (thru the MSC) to HQUSACE for consideration at CWRB. It’s going to be important for this Division Commander to understand what’s all in this report because they’re going to be involved as we’ll be explaining in a few modules later. They’re going to be involved in the Civil Works Review Board and so they’re going to have to be up to speed on this as well. So all of these items that come from you are provided to the division for them to send forward in endorsements, feasibility report, summary, documents…the whole nine yards.

6 DE Transmittal Submittal Package to HQUSACE
Division Engineer’s Endorsement Feasibility Report and EIS or EA/FONSI Report Summary Documentation and Certification of Agency Technical Review Documentation and Certification of Policy and Legal Review PGM Compliance Memorandum (and any other pertinent supplemental documentation per checklist in ER , Appendix H) Note: Items and quantities are subject to change, check ER , Append H for latest guidance. It’s a big package of stuff that you send up there. The important thing is that headquarters will start reviewing and looking into everything on that list. Every single piece of paper is up there, so you need to make sure that the package is complete. Again, like I said in Appendix H, very important for locating all those things. Talk to people who have gone through the process before. Work with your district point of contact within the division. Things are always going to be changing as we know.


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