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Static Electricity. Energy Energy:the ability to do work. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be transformed. Forms of Energy: – heat –

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Presentation on theme: "Static Electricity. Energy Energy:the ability to do work. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be transformed. Forms of Energy: – heat –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Static Electricity

2 Energy Energy:the ability to do work. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be transformed. Forms of Energy: – heat – light – sound – mechanical – Electrical – hydraulic Electricity:Is a form that energy may take. Static Electricity:Where a charge remains stationary in an object.

3 Law of Electric Charges: Like charges repel each other Unlike charges attract each other (opposites attract)‏ Charged objects will be attracted to neutral objects Transfer of Charge:There are 3 ways charge can be transferred: Friction Contact Induction

4 Charging by Friction Charging by Friction: when electric charges are transferred by a rubbing action or friction. Transfer of electric charges as you walk across a carpet, shows the movement of the electrons (which have the negative charge).

5 Electrostatic Series Scientists have developed a list known as the Electrostatic series Chart to determine the kind of electric charge produced on each substance when any 2 substances are rubbed together.

6 Electrostatic Series Chart GlassWeak Human hair Nylon Wool Fur Silk Cotton Rubber Polyester Foam Polyethylene EboniteStrong

7 Example: If nylon socks and cotton shirts were dried together in a clothes dryer, which becomes positive and which becomes negative? Nylon: positive, cotton: negative The difference attracts each other and causes static cling!

8 Insulators and conductors Insulators: a substance in which electrons cannot move freely from atom to atom: ex. Fur, silk, wood, rubber, glass, plastic Conductors: a substance in ehich electons can move freely from one atom to another. ex. Silver, copper, magnesium, iron.

9 Grounding Discharge to remove any electric charges on an object. Can be done by connecting these objects to the earth (which is a good conductor)‏ Objects are then grounded The earth is so large that it removes all the charge. Only the electrons can move.

10 Questions: P.406 # 1-4 P. 407 # 5, 7, 8. P.410 # 2-6.

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