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Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions! By: Jessica Nastasi.

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Presentation on theme: "Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions! By: Jessica Nastasi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions! By: Jessica Nastasi

2 What is a Mixed Number? Name Wholes and Parts of Wholes 1 WHOL E 3434 PART OF A WHOL E

3 When we change to improper fractions, we want to find out how many parts make up the whole number. 1 How many fourths are in here? 3434 We will add you in later.

4 What is an Improper Fraction? A fraction where the numerator is greater than the denominator It is like a mixed number because its value is greater than a whole.

5 For example, 14 4

6 1: Mixed Numbers  Improper Fractions

7 Step 1: Multiply the WHOLE number by the denominator 3434 1 x What is the product? 4

8 Wait! Let’s Think About WHY We Do This! We are changing the whole to see how many quarters make up a whole. To do this, we multiply. One whole 4 fourths = There are 4 quarters in one whole (1 x 4 = 4)

9 Step 2: Add the numerator 3434 1 x + What is the total? 7

10 Wait! Let’s Think About WHY We Do This! Because, we add the parts that we have. 4 fourths (1 whole) = how many fourths in all? + 3 fourths 7 4

11 Step 3: Keep the original denominator the same. 3434 1 x + = 7474 And you’re done!

12 Improper Fractions  Mixed Numbers

13 Step 1: Divide the numerator by the denominator. Think: “How many times can the denominator go into the numerator?” 14 4 3 =

14 Think of pictures… How many wholes can you make with 14 quarters?

15 Step 2: Find the remainder. How many parts are left over? This is your numerator. 14 4 3 2 =

16 Think of pictures… How many quarters are left over when you make 3 wholes?

17 Step 3: Keep the denominator the same. 14 4 3 2 4 =

18 Step 4: Reduce if needed. 3 2 4 2 1 = 3

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