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Course on Sorghum Production Practices

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1 Course on Sorghum Production Practices
Module 2: Area and Distribution of Sorghum Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Modules After completing this Module, you have learned to Locate the origin of sorghum. Illustrate where sorghum crop is important in the world. List and describe the features of sorghum cultivating states in India. Recognize and explain for the decline in sorghum area and productivity in India. Course on Sorghum Production Practices

2 Sorghum cultivating areas
Sorghum was originated in the region of the northeast Africa comprising Ethiopia, the Sudan and East Africa (Doggett, 1988) (Fig.). Sorghum was introduced into India during first century AD.

3 Sorghum cultivating areas
Sorghum is the fifth most important cereal crop in the world after wheat, maize, rice, and barley.

4 Sorghum cultivating areas
Sorghum is cultivated in 100 counties in the world. Covering areas in the Americas, Africa, Asia, and the Pacific. Sorghum is third important cereal in India after rice and wheat. In Africa, the crop is second in importance after maize. Point the cursor to Zoom the map

5 Sorghum cultivating areas
59% of world sorghum area is in Africa. Asian countries occupy 25% of world sorghum area. North and Central America covers 11% of sorghum area and 4% is in South America.

6 Sorghum cultivating areas
The developing countries in Asia and Africa contribute more than 70% of total sorghum production in the world. Asia alone contributes 45% of world sorghum production. North and Central America produces 21% of sorghum and 6% is in South America.

7 Sorghum cultivating areas in Asia
Sorghum production in Asia is concentrated mainly in India and China and contribute 86% of sorghum production. The sorghum yields are far less in India compared to China, Saudi Arabia and Thailand because the crop is mostly grown under rainfed conditions.

8 Sorghum cultivating areas
One notable feature in sorghum cultivation in India and also in many other sorghum growing countries is that the area under cultivation is declining from year to year (Fig.). Average annual area under sorghum in India declined from 16 million ha in the early 1970s to 10 million ha in the late 1990s. However, yield of sorghum has increased to 826 kg/ha in 1990s compared 543 kg/ha in the early 1970s.

9 Sorghum cultivating areas
Some of the reasons for this decline are: Cultivation on marginal lands; Low fertilizers use; Adverse agro-climatic conditions i.e failure of rains or drought during the crop growing period; Unfavorable government policies favoring wheat and rice at the cost of sorghum.

10 Sorghum cultivating areas
In India, 75% of sorghum area and 85% production is concentrated in Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh. Sorghum is cultivated both during rainy season (kharif) and post rainy season (rabi). Only about 8% of sorghum area is irrigated.

11 Sorghum cultivating areas
In India, the yield of sorghum varies from sate to state with varying rainfall and soil type, and also between seasons. For example, the rainy season sorghum yields an average of 2 to 2.5 t/ha in areas with favorable rainfall and soils, while the post rainy season sorghum grown under unfavorable conditions yield around 500 kg/ha.

12 Sorghum cultivating areas
Thus, the low average productivity levels are mainly due to low yield levels of post rainy season sorghum. The area under post rainy season is also on the increase. Post rainy season sorghum covers 58% of total area in the country.

13 Course on Sorghum Production Practices
Module 2: Area and Distribution of Sorghum Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Modules Exercise With this, the Module 2 – Area and Distribution of sorghum concludes. If you would like to check your understanding about area and distribution of sorghum, please click on the “Exercise” button. Next, Module 3 provides information about soil and climatic requirements for sorghum cultivation. Click “Modules” button and select Module 3 Course on Sorghum Production Practices

14 Sorghum cultivating areas

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