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The American Revolution War for Independence 1775 - 1783.

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1 The American Revolution War for Independence 1775 - 1783

2 How did the most powerful nation in Europe lose its most important colonies?  Second Continental Congress met in May 1775  Olive Branch Petition  Last ditch effort to avoid war  King George ignores request  Hires 10,000 Hessian mercenaries to fight  Appoint George Washington General of Continental Army  Print paper money  Produce Declaration of Independence

3 British problems are the colonies’ advantages  British Advantages  More $ and supplies  Powerful navy  Professionally trained army  American Advantages  Knowledge of land  Motive = Freedom  Short supply lines  George Washington – leadership under crisis  Defensive War  Guerrilla warfare  British control cities  Colonists control countryside

4 Battle of the Hills (Bunker/Breed) June 1775  Colonists build fortifications  Low on ammunition  “Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes”  Colonists defeated but moral victory  1000 Redcoats killed or wounded  400 American casualties  Deadliest battle of the war

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