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CLASS 15. Social Development How to tell that you are not mom’s favorite.

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Presentation on theme: "CLASS 15. Social Development How to tell that you are not mom’s favorite."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLASS 15

2 Social Development

3 How to tell that you are not mom’s favorite

4 Birth Order and Personality

5 Alfred Adler (1870-1937) Inferiority complex Compensation Birth order

6 The Old Research Achievement Motivation Dependency Popularity

7 Ernst & Angst (1983) –Complete review of research –Effects are weak and scattered –Result: birth order ideas fell into disrepute

8 Sulloway (1996) book “Born to Rebel”

9 His Theory of Sibling Competition Exploited two new developments in modern psychology 1. Evolutionary psychology 2. The Big Five

10 Family dynamics All children want parental approval We want to fit into the family somewhere i.e., we try to find our niche

11 First borns Have first choice Pick the most approved behaviors: –Study and behave yourself Explains their higher school achievement

12 Also advantaged by size and strength Therefore dominate other siblings Identify with power and authority Later continue to seek high status

13 But as others grow, so does insecurity of first-borns Continue to be concerned about maintaining status hierarchies In short, they are conservative

14 LATER BORNS Disadvantaged in two ways: 1. STANDARD ROLE IS TAKEN –Therefore, need to be innovative, flexible –Continue to try new approaches to life –ie open to experience

15 2. THEY ARE UNDERPRIVILEGED –Constant striving for equal privileges –Later they identify with downtrodden and reject hierarchies –As adults, they are politically liberal

16 Two Sources of Data Historical research Contemporary personality surveys

17 Historical Research Famous families Children more different than one would expect Achieve in different ways

18 Some first borns Most American presidents Most British Prime Ministers Stephen HarperHillary Clinton

19 Some Later borns Joan of Arc Karl Marx Lenin Jefferson Rousseau Virginia Wolf Darwin

20 Personality Surveys FBs more conservative, conscientious LBs more liberal and open to experience But depends on the method

21 Qualifications to theory Genetics more important Only children Interactions with: –Temperament –Gender

22 Critique Do these effects extend outside the home ? Emerge later under stress ?

23 Writing Assignment #2 Write 200-300 words comparing two people you know: One who swears a lot vs. one who never swears OR One who says ‘like’ a lot to one who doesn’t USE BIG FIVE, INTELLIGENCE, AGE, ETC.

24 Submit to following email address OR

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