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Psychoanalytic Diagnosis

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Presentation on theme: "Psychoanalytic Diagnosis"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychoanalytic Diagnosis

2 Classical Psychoanalytic Conceptualization
Centrality of the Unconscious: Dreams, Parapraxes Repression Centrality of Past Experiences Psychic Determinism: Behavior has Meaning

3 Classical Psychoanalytic Conceptualization
Drive Theory Ego Psychology Object Relation theory Self psychology

4 Different Models and Theories
Contradictory? Mutually exclusive? Enriching? What factors influence your choice?

5 Classical Freudian Drive Theory
Centrality of instinctual processes: Libido & Aggression Psycho-sexual phases: oral-anal-phallic-genital Fixation due to - excessive deprivation or - overindulging Ex. Oral, anal character

6 Erik Erickson's reformulation of Psychosexual stages
Oral stage: basic trust Anal stage: autonomy vs shame or doubt Oedipal phase: Initiative vs Guilt

7 Margaret Mahler’s Separation Individuation
From Autistic Phase (6weeks) through Symbiotic Relatedness (2 years) through Object Constancy (3 years) Hatching ((בקיעה Practicing Rapprochement Object constancy

8 Ego Psychology: The Structural Model
Id: primitive drives, impulses & fantasies. Pleasure Principle. Unconscious Ego: adaptive/ maladaptive functions Reality principle Both conscious and unconscious Ego strengths? Defense mechanisms:mature vs immature. Superego: harsh vs lacunae

9 The Object Relations Tradition
Internalized self and object images Ego states Activation of introjects Centrality of transference/countertransference; re-enactment as diagnostic tools Relational Approach



12 Self Psychology Self structure, self images, self esteem
Self experience: subjectivity Defects in self structures vs Conflicts Normal need for selfobject functions: Idealization, Mirroring, Twinship

13 Psychoanalytic Treatment Principles of Technique
Free Associations Resistance Transference Countertransference Interpretations Neutrality

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