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Integers and Properties

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1 Integers and Properties
Algebra I – Chapter 2 Integers and Properties

2 Integer Rules Adding: Different signs: Find the difference and keep the sign of the larger number Ex: (-3) + (6) = (3) Same signs: Add and keep the signs Ex: (-3) + (-6) = (-9)

3 Integer Rules Subtracting: Add the Opposite

4 Integer Rules Multiplying and Dividing:
Different Signs: The answer is negative Ex: (-6)(3) = (-18) Same Sign: The answer is positive Ex: (-4)(-5) = 20

5 Property Addition Multiplication
Commutative a + b = b + a Ab = ba Associative (a+b) + c = a + (b+c) abc = cba Identity a + 0 = a a (1) = a Inverse a + (-a) = 0 a (1/a) = 1 Distributive a (b+c) = ab +ac and a (b-c) = ab - ac

6 Property Symbols Examples
Reflexive a = a 8 – n = 8 – n Symmetric If a = b then b = a 3x = 2 then 2 = 3x Transitive If a = b and b = c then a = c If 2x = 8 and 8 = 5x – 3 then 2x = 5x - 3 Substitution If a = b then a can be replaced by b and b can be replaced by a

7 Reflection: What will the answer be when you multiply two numbers with the same signs? What about when you divide two numbers with different signs? When can associative property work?

8 Tonight’s Homework: Page 641 – 642 (1-91 odd)

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