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Science 8 (Mon., 10.01.07) Test corrections – (1 point for every 3 that you correct) 3.1 Models of the Atom Due Today: Nothing Coming Soon: Tues.

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Presentation on theme: "Science 8 (Mon., 10.01.07) Test corrections – (1 point for every 3 that you correct) 3.1 Models of the Atom Due Today: Nothing Coming Soon: Tues."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science 8 (Mon., 10.01.07) Test corrections – (1 point for every 3 that you correct) 3.1 Models of the Atom Due Today: Nothing Coming Soon: Tues. Models of the Atom Wed. Models of the Atom Thurs. Note-Taking Worksheet, and Directed Reading (Substitute teacher) Fri. 10.05.07Scientific Method; Color Periodic Table (Substitute Teacher) State Standards 8.3.8: All matter is made up of atoms that are to small to see

2 Science 8 (Tues., 10.2.07) 3.1 Models of the Atom Due Today: Nothing Coming Soon: Wed. Models of the Atom Thurs. Note-Taking Worksheet, and Directed Reading (Substitute teacher) Fri. 10.05.07Scientific Method; Color Periodic Table (Substitute Teacher) State Standards 8.3.8: All matter is made up of atoms that are to small to see 8.1.1: Scientific knowledge is subject to modification as new information prevails 8.1.4: Accurate record keeping, openness, and replication are essential 8.1.7 Technology issues are rarely one sided 8.1.8 Explain how humans shape the future by generating knowledge

3 Science 8 (Wed., 10.3.07) Happy revolution around the sun Amy J.!! 3.1 Models of the Atom Due Today: Nothing Coming Soon: Thurs. Note-Taking Worksheet, and Directed Reading (Substitute teacher) Fri. 10.05.07Scientific Method; Color Periodic Table (Substitute Teacher) State Standards 8.3.8: All matter is made up of atoms that are to small to see 8.1.1: Scientific knowledge is subject to modification as new information prevails 8.1.4: Accurate record keeping, openness, and replication are essential 8.1.7 Technology issues are rarely one sided 8.1.8 Explain how humans shape the future by generating knowledge

4 Science 8 (Thurs., 10.4.07) 3.1 Note-Taking Worksheet 3.1 Directed Reading Due Today: Nothing Coming Soon: Fri. 10.05.07Scientific Method; Color Periodic Table (Substitute Teacher) State Standards 8.3.8: All matter is made up of atoms that are to small to see 8.1.1: Scientific knowledge is subject to modification as new information prevails 8.1.4: Accurate record keeping, openness, and replication are essential 8.1.7 Technology issues are rarely one sided 8.1.8 Explain how humans shape the future by generating knowledge

5 Science 8 (Fri., 10.5.07) Scientific Method Color Periodic Table Due Today: Nothing Coming Soon: Mon. The Nucleus State Standards 8.3.11: Describe how the groups of elements can be classified 8.1.8: Explain that humans help shape the future by generating knowledge

6 Science 8 (Mon., 10.8.07) Happy revolution around the sun last week Zac P.!! Scientific Method Finish 3.1 Models of the Atom 3.2 The Nucleus Worktime? Due Today: *** Coming Soon: Tues. The Nucleus State Standards 8.3.11: Describe how the groups of elements can be classified 8.1.8: Explain that humans help shape the future by generating knowledge

7 Science 8 (Tues., 10.9.07) Fish Philosophy Finish 3.1 Models of the Atom 3.2 The Nucleus Due Today: Ch 3 Note Taking Worksheet, 3.1 Directed Reading, Periodic Table Coming Soon: Wed. The Nucleus State Standards 8.3.11: Describe how the groups of elements can be classified 8.1.8: Explain that humans help shape the future by generating knowledge

8 Science 8 (Wed., 10.10.07) 3.2 The Nucleus **The Last day for any missing assignments is tomorrow 10.11.07** Due Today: Nothing Coming Soon: Thurs. The Nucleus State Standards 8.3.8: Understand that the atoms of any element are similar but different from other elements

9 Science 8 (Thurs., 10.11.07) Happy revolution around the sun David M.!! 3.2 The Nucleus Atom numbers worksheet **The Last day for any missing assignments is today** Due Today: Nothing Coming Soon: Fri. The Nucleus; Atom numbers worksheet due State Standards 8.3.8: Understand that the atoms of any element are similar but different from other elements

10 Science 8 (Fri., 10.12.07) 3.2 The Nucleus Due Today: Atom numbers worksheet Coming Soon: Mon. The Nucleus State Standards 8.3.8: Understand that the atoms of any element are similar but different from other elements

11 Science 8 (Mon., 10.15.07) Alpha Particles / Beta Particles Due Today: Nothing Coming Soon: Tues. 10.16.07½ day; Atom video; Alpha / Beta Worksheet Wed. 10.17.07½ day; Leave binders to be graded over the break State Standards 8.3.8: Understand that the atoms of any element are similar but different from other elements

12 Science 8 (Tues., 10.16.07) Beta Particles Due Today: Nothing Coming Soon:; Wed. 10.17.07Leave binders to be graded over the break; Alpha / Beta Worksheet due State Standards 8.3.8: Understand that the atoms of any element are similar but different from other elements

13 Science 8 (Wed., 10.17.07) Happy revolution around the sun Dominic M.!!! Thursday: Kris W. and Shelby P.!!! Friday: Darian G.!!! Saturday: Corey D.!!! Sunday: Brittani W.!!! Organize Notebook Start Atom Video Due Today: Leave binders here over break; Alpha / Beta Worksheet Coming Soon:; Mon. 10.22.07Atom Video State Standards 8.3.8: Understand that the atoms of any element are similar but different from other elements

14 Science 8 (Mon., 10.22.07) Happy revolution around the sun Jalissa!!! 3.2 Radioactive dating Due Today: Nothing Coming Soon:; Tues. 10.23.07Half-Life; 3.2 Worksheet Wed. 10.24.07Chapter 3 Review; 3.2 Worksheet due Thurs. 10.25.07½ day – Continue review Fri. 10. 26.07Chapter 3 Test State Standards 8.3.8: Understand that the atoms of any element are similar but different from other elements

15 Science 8 (Tues., 10.23.07) Happy revolution around the sun Paige R.!!! Merry Mole Day!!!! Half-Life 3.2 Directed Reading Worksheet Due Today: Nothing State Standards 8.3.8: Understand that the atoms of any element are similar but different from other elements Coming Soon:; Wed. 10.24.07Chapter 3 Review; 3.2 Worksheet due Thurs. 10.25.07½ day – Continue review Fri. 10. 26.07Chapter 3 Test

16 Science 8 (Wed., 10.24.07) Chapter 3 Review Due Today: 3.2 The Nucleus Worksheet State Standards 8.3.8: Understand that the atoms of any element are similar but different from other elements Coming Soon:; Thurs. 10.25.07½ day – Continue review Fri. 10. 26.07Chapter 3 Test

17 Science 8 (Thurs., 10.25.07) ½ Day Alpha / Beta Particle Decay Review Due Today: Study for the test State Standards 8.3.8: Understand that the atoms of any element are similar but different from other elements Coming Soon:; Fri. 10. 26.07Chapter 3 Test

18 Science 8 (Fri., 10.26.07) Chapter 3 Test Due Today: Nothing Coming Soon:; Mon. 10.27.07Chapter 4 Intro State Standards 8.3.8: Understand that the atoms of any element are similar but different from other elements

19 Science 8 (Mon., 10.29.07) Happy revolution around the sun last Friday Andrea K.!!! Get tests back The atom video Chapter 4 Intro Due Today: Nothing Coming Soon:; Mon. Solid / Liquid Tues. 10.31.07Liquid / Gas State Standards 8.3.9: Demonstrate the movement of atoms in a solid, liquid, and a gaseous state

20 Science 8 (Tues., 10.30.07) 4.1 Solid / Liquid Due Today: Nothing Coming Soon:; Wed. 10.31.07Liquid / Gas Thurs. 11.1.07Chapter 3 Test Corrections State Standards 8.3.9: Demonstrate the movement of atoms in a solid, liquid, and a gaseous state

21 Science 8 (Wed., 10.31.07) Happy revolution around the sun Elyssa S.!!! Test Corrections 4.1 Liquid Due Today: Nothing Coming Soon:; Thurs. 11.1.07Liquid / Gas Fri. 11.2.07Surface Tension Lab State Standards 8.3.9: Demonstrate the movement of atoms in a solid, liquid, and a gaseous state

22 PCQs 10.31.07 1.What is the fourth state of matter (that isnt common on Earth)? 2.What are some examples of the fourth state of matter? 3.Give examples of each of the three common states of matter in this room right now.

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