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Japan Builds an Empire Section 3.

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1 Japan Builds an Empire Section 3

2 Emperor Hirohito The Rightest believed emperor was a god.
Emperor Hirohito – takes throne in 1926 at the age of twenty-five - favored peace and cooperation with foreign powers Supported by the Democratic (Minseito) Party.


4 *Hirohito, limited government spending for the military
*sided with GB and the USA on defense policies

5 Rise of Nationalism Nationalist - government is weak, wanted to return to traditional Japan - break from Western influence Mainly older people and military


7 The Manchurian Incident
As Japan’s population was growing, they sought more land and resources. Manchuria, a neighbor was the viable option.


9 Japanese believed that the Chinese were going to conquer Manchuria
Japanese believed that the Chinese were going to conquer Manchuria. Populated by people of Chinese descent Japan worried about China’s nationalistic ties

10 Japanese military leaders attack, w.o the Emperor’s approval.
Japan sent people over to occupy the area as a colony of Japan Showed the power of the military over the gov’t.

11 US and Great Britain scold Japan verbally.
Japan military in an attempted coup, gain high ranking positions in the government.

12 War Against China July 1937, Japan continues attack against China
China couldn’t compete with Japanese military

13 Global Response USA Response: Neutrality Acts Passed by Congress to stop the US from foreign involvement. FDR calls for protection of a peaceful nation Soviets sent aid to the Chinese GB sent aid along THE BURMA ROAD

14 Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
Japan in an attempt to gain resources to continue the fight against China Spanned from Manchuria to the Dutch East Indies

15 Tripartite Pact: In 1940 Japan allies itself with Germany and Italy (J-I-G)
Signed neutrality pact with Soviet Union Focused on supremacy in Asia

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