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Annotation What the heck is that ?. Annotation: Definition (n) A critical or explanatory note or body of notes added to a text. (n) There is not a wrong.

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Presentation on theme: "Annotation What the heck is that ?. Annotation: Definition (n) A critical or explanatory note or body of notes added to a text. (n) There is not a wrong."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annotation What the heck is that ?

2 Annotation: Definition (n) A critical or explanatory note or body of notes added to a text. (n) There is not a wrong way to annotate. There is not a right way to annotate. There is not a wrong way to annotate. There is not a right way to annotate. There are more effective and less effective ways to write critical or explanatory notes in a text. There are more effective and less effective ways to write critical or explanatory notes in a text.

3 When do I annotate? When the text is difficult When the text is difficult When you are reading for something specific When you are reading for something specific When you will use the information for another purpose When you will use the information for another purpose When you’d like to comprehend the text more effectively When you’d like to comprehend the text more effectively When you have a difficult time staying focused and engaged in the reading When you have a difficult time staying focused and engaged in the reading

4 Why do I annotate? It improves comprehension It improves comprehension Students must process information in order to put information into their own words. Students must process information in order to put information into their own words. It improves retention It improves retention Annotation requires students to think about information. The notes created serve as a reminder of that information and the reader’s reactions. Annotation requires students to think about information. The notes created serve as a reminder of that information and the reader’s reactions. It improves efficiency It improves efficiency Annotation keeps students’ attention toward the task and provides a structure for studying or reading independently. Annotation keeps students’ attention toward the task and provides a structure for studying or reading independently.

5 What might I annotate for? Literature Analysis (elements & devices) Literature Analysis (elements & devices) Theme – seek specific support from the story to discover and then prove theme as it develops Theme – seek specific support from the story to discover and then prove theme as it develops Symbolism – explain how physical elements or events in the text help readers understand something untangible Symbolism – explain how physical elements or events in the text help readers understand something untangible Contextual symbol – symbol for the novel’s context only Contextual symbol – symbol for the novel’s context only Universal symbol – symbol used over and over in literature (seen as a motif) Universal symbol – symbol used over and over in literature (seen as a motif) Personal symbol – these are not in the text. Abandon them when analyzing the text’s smybols. Personal symbol – these are not in the text. Abandon them when analyzing the text’s smybols.

6 What might I annotate for? Literature Analysis (elements & devices) Literature Analysis (elements & devices) Conflict – explain what kinds of problems the conflict creates for the character and how it influences the plot Conflict – explain what kinds of problems the conflict creates for the character and how it influences the plot Setting – explain the effect the setting has on the character and the plot Setting – explain the effect the setting has on the character and the plot Character Description – explain how the character traits influence the character’s behavior Character Description – explain how the character traits influence the character’s behavior

7 What might I annotate for? OWL Reading Skills OWL Reading Skills Vocabulary – make a note of the word and determine meaning (prefix, suffix, root Vocabulary – make a note of the word and determine meaning (prefix, suffix, root word, context clues) or look up meaning word, context clues) or look up meaning Self-Question – ask questions about the text and meta-cognate them (ask yourself why you asked that question) Self-Question – ask questions about the text and meta-cognate them (ask yourself why you asked that question) Inference – reaching a conclusion based on information not stated in the text Inference – reaching a conclusion based on information not stated in the text Prediction – making an educated guess that is based on text clues and prior knowledge Prediction – making an educated guess that is based on text clues and prior knowledge

8 What might I annotate for? Non-fiction Analysis Non-fiction Analysis Text Structure – determine how the information is presented (eg. chronological, Q/A, problem/ solution) Text Structure – determine how the information is presented (eg. chronological, Q/A, problem/ solution) Main idea – determine the main idea of the text; use titles, headlines, subheadings, etc. Main idea – determine the main idea of the text; use titles, headlines, subheadings, etc. Supporting Details – determine what details support the main idea Supporting Details – determine what details support the main idea Source – seek information about the source’s creditability Source – seek information about the source’s creditability

9 What happens when… annotation limits my enjoyment of the reading? annotation limits my enjoyment of the reading? Change your approach! Change your approach! I don’t know what to write in the margins? I don’t know what to write in the margins? Clarify your purpose! Clarify your purpose! I want to annotate everything?!? I want to annotate everything?!? Clarify your purpose! Clarify your purpose! I’m not sure how annotation helps me? I’m not sure how annotation helps me? Seek a more challenging focus, purpose. Seek a more challenging focus, purpose.

10 Annotation – yea! What is annotation? What is annotation? When do I annotate? When do I annotate? Why do I annotate? Why do I annotate? What might I annotate for? What might I annotate for? Depends on your purpose! Depends on your purpose! How do I annotate? How do I annotate? Let’s practice! Let’s practice!

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