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Fourth AER peer review on alcohol and pregnancy Katowice 18 th march 09.

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Presentation on theme: "Fourth AER peer review on alcohol and pregnancy Katowice 18 th march 09."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fourth AER peer review on alcohol and pregnancy Katowice 18 th march 09

2 Definition  Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a disorder that can occur to the embryo when a pregnant woman ingests alcohol during pregnancy.

3 Consequences of FAS Primary Disabilities – Brain damage – Lowered cognitive function – Inability to learn from consequences – Facial dysmorphology – Growth deficiency Secondary Disabilities – Disrupted school experiences – Trouble with the law – Inappropriate sexual behaviors – Alcohol/drug problems

4 Typical clinical picture

5 Neuropsychological disturbances memory concentration coordination speech reading and writing mood motivation

6 No one knows what amount of alcohol is safe for a pregnant woman This is why women are advised to stop drinking alcohol completely during pregancy

7 2006 – the first studies conducted in Poland showed: Every third woman (33%) aged 18-40 drinks alcohol during pregnancy As many as 16% of women with higher education think that drinking alcohol does not cause harm to the fetus Almost two-third of pregnant women have not been warned by doctors against negative consequences Myths: red wine is good in pragnancy!!

8 Pregnancy with no alcohol  Since September 2007  - Tv and radio spot, billboards, city lights  - press and broadcasting releases  - over 659 thousand „Pregnancy with no alcohol” leaflets  - 211 000 brochures and books  - A Child for life film  - FAScinating children  exibition of photographs 

9 What is the problems in our regions?  Increasing amount of teenage mothers with a poor social situation  The economical situation, lack of funding for prevention  Lack of statistics, in many regions there is no statistics about alcohol consumption and about alcohol and pregnancy  Changing drinking patterns among women, a problem in all regions  Women with a poor social situation and with alcohol problems don’t have any contact with professionals in the health sector or in social services  The mentality against alcohol, alcohol is socially accepted  There is poor routines for diagnosing and treatment for children with FAS.  Alcohol is accepted and used by professionals in health care and this might stop them from asking questions about alcohol.

10 What needs to be done?  Better statistics, in order to be able to work on this we need to know the real numbers.  Education, for doctors, nurses, midwives and teachers.  Education and information directed to young people about the risks about drinking alcohol during your pregnancy  Making it attractive for doctors and nurses to have knowledge about this  Create diagnostic centers for treatment and consulting for children with FAS.  Cooperation between NGO:s and authorities needs to be better.


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