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SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Level 2 Ocean Salinity L2OS planning 2 July 2014 ARGANS & SMOS L2OS ESL 1.

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Presentation on theme: "SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Level 2 Ocean Salinity L2OS planning 2 July 2014 ARGANS & SMOS L2OS ESL 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Level 2 Ocean Salinity L2OS planning 2 July 2014 ARGANS & SMOS L2OS ESL 1

2 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity L2OS evolution for metrics: AUX_DTBXY To support L1 & L2OS metrics, AUX_DTBXY needs extending to include snapshot statistics for L1c TBs, forward model TBs, and OTT correction TBs: for all polarisations, all 12 FOV sub-zones, & all 3 forward models. To support A3TEC metrics, AUX_DTBXY needs extending to include retrieved TEC and associated data. No changes to algorithm, configuration, or science products = low risk. AUX_DTBXY to increase in size from max ~10Mb to ~13Mb We recommend L2OS v620 is delivered September 2014 and used for reprocessing, to generate AUX_DTBXY as a reference data set for L1 & L2OS metrics, and A3TEC analysis. Summer 2014 delivery (late – due April) will be L1 Metrics Plan (including ADD) based on draft TRUM (Tools Release User Manual) & PPSR. L2OS v620 delivered September 2014 with Tools for L1 Metrics 2

3 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity L2OS evolution for metrics: AUX_DTBXY 3 n x geographical regions: region ID, snap start/stop time/ID 3 x forward models 8 x polarisations ott stats deltaTB[xi,eta] std(deltaTB)[xi,eta] count(deltaTB)[xi,eta] flags[xi,eta] for each snapshot in region: ID, lat/long polarisation flags deltaTB (0.3 circle) V612v620 n x geographical regions: region ID, snap start/stop time/ID 3 x forward models 8 x polarisations ott stats deltaTB[xi,eta] std(deltaTB)[xi,eta] count(deltaTB)[xi,eta] flags[xi,eta] for each snapshot in region: ID, lat/long polarisation flags for 12 FOV sub-zones for 3 polarisations L1cTB for 3 forward models forward model TB OTT TB deltaTB measurement count A3TEC stats fov/geo lat/long, lat TEC TEC from L1c & A3, sigma Max snapshots in global region ~1500, in OTT region ~500 Metrics adds < ~3Mb A3TEC adds < ~90Kb

4 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity L2OS tuning for reprocessing Reference L2OS data sets: v620 ref (from ESAC rehearsal) – un-tuned configuration: L1c v620 & L2OS v612 (20110423-20110607 & 20121104 – 20130205) v620 run2 (ARGANS) – first tuned configuration: L1c v620 & L2OS v613 (20110423-20110607 & 20121104 – 20130205) L1c v620 configuration update changes border width, RFI thresholds ESL work shows need to revisit L2OS thresholds & filtering, and not to use sun tails flag to filter measurements Reprocessing L2 starts September/October 2014?, end Jan/Feb 2015, followed by L1 & L2 catch-up reprocessing of 2014 data => end April/May 2015? Process L1c (ESAC) May 2011 (ARGANS) in August with revised thresholds New thresholds delivered September 2014 for L2 reprocessing 4

5 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity L2OS forward model sensitivity analysis – flat sea model Flat sea SST sensitivity: SST298 minus SST278 Sensitivity to SST is low in XX, but up to 0.1K/degree in YY at high incidence angles Flat sea SSS sensitivity: SSS37 minus SSS33 ~0.6K/psu at low incidence angles ~0.9K/psu at high incidence angles

6 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity L2OS forward model sensitivity analysis – wind speed General bias between roughness models of ~±0.5K at 7m/s Model updates 2010-2011: more SMOS data now => better models M1 XX M2 XX M3 XX M1 YY M2 YY M3 YY

7 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity L2OS forward model sensitivity analysis Worse case (eg high incidence angle) model sensitivities 7 Flat seaRoughness model 1 Roughness model 2 Roughness model 3 Galactic noise SSS (K / psu)0.90.01 XX 0.03 YY 000 SST (K / degree)0.02 XX 0.1 YY 0.005000 WS (K / m/s)00.4 XX 0.2 YY 0.4 XX 0.15 YY 0.4 XX 0.2 YY < 0.05 Wind direction (@ 7 m/s)0±0.1 XX ±0.15 YY 000 BT (K)SSS (psu) Flat sea0.751.5 Roughness model 1 Roughness model 2 Roughness model 3 @ SST 17°C, WS 7m/s±2±4 Galactic noise Worse case (eg high incidence angle) model absolute error estimates

8 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity L2OS evolution Major improvements in L2OS performance from v550 to v612 from: correction of L1 long term drift (daily OTT) new galactic scattering model TEC retrieval in descending orbits => better Faraday rotation multi-threading Work-plan for 2014-2017 identifies tasks for further improvements: minimize flaws in L1 over ocean (biases & flagging) refine forward models improve filtering retrieval methods improve quality assessment & user experience ESL already working on these tasks with promising results (land-sea, filtering) – we expect major improvements in quality of ocean products during next phase. 8

9 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity L2OS follow-on ESL contract: work-plan overview 9

10 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity L2OS follow-on ESL contract: processor delivery schedule L2OS v630 spring 2015: land-sea correction (WP1.1) improved QC (WP3.1), filtering (WP1.3) update of roughness/foam model 1 (WP 2.2) could be use to re-reprocess L1 v620? L2OS v640 spring 2016: use of new constraints on roughness models (WP2.2) better flat sea model (WP2.1) improved GO galactic glint model (WP2.3) new TEC product (WP3.3) netCDF (WP4.3) L2OS v630 spring 2017: improved (adaptive?) retrieval algorithm(s) (WP3.2) using new/alternative geophysical inputs (WP2.4) mitigation of rain impact (WP2.5) better OTT strategy (WP1.2) comprehensive validation (WP4.1) 10

11 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity L2OS follow-on ESL contract: resources (months) 11

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