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90-Day Goal Performance Funding Presented to the Illinois Board of Higher Education April 12, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "90-Day Goal Performance Funding Presented to the Illinois Board of Higher Education April 12, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 90-Day Goal Performance Funding Presented to the Illinois Board of Higher Education April 12, 2011

2 Performance Funding I. Background and Review II. IBHE Efforts and Activities III. Progress and Outcomes IV. Next Steps 2

3 Performance Funding I. Background and Review A. Other States  Various states across the country are implementing performance-based funding to incentivize higher education efficiencies and improve performance. B. Higher Education Finance Commission  In Illinois, the Higher Education Finance Commission concluded that performance funding is a viable policy tool for achieving statewide goals. C. 90-Day Goal: Performance Funding  Performance funding is an important component of the 90-day strategic plan and Illinois Public Agenda. 3

4 Performance Funding I. Background and Review A. Other States – performance funding is not a one-size fits all methodology; each state that utilizes PF offers unique characteristics; they all do share a common goal of increasing the number of graduates.  Ohio: The Ohio model includes a stop-loss provision/99% previous years funding. Each year the stop-loss figure is reduced.  Indiana: One of few states to use performance funding to reward institutions for performance and prioritize budget cuts.  Tennessee: Has utilized performance funding since 1979 that allows institutions to earn additional funding based on performance.  Texas: In 2007, the legislature created a performance incentive fund to provide a pool of funding to institutions based on degrees awarded. The Board is proposing a 4-Year phase-in to encourage completion.  Arkansas: In March 2011, the State Senate approved legislation that would phase in a new funding formula over a 5-year period starting in 2013. When fully implemented would base 25% on graduation rates. 4

5 Performance Funding I. Background and Review B. In Illinois, the Higher Education Finance Study Commission concluded that:  Performance funding models must:  Developed through a consultative process & broad participation  Tailored to each sector of higher education & recognize unique missions  Encourage at-risk students to complete  Tie funds to completion and degree production  Designed to Maintain quality 5

6 Performance Funding I. Background and Review C. At the February 15 th Board Meeting I presented the Board with the 90 –day goal that I would be concentrating on:  To support the drafting, revising, and passage of legislation that provides a broad framework for integrating performance funding into the higher education budget development process.  To move the goal forward I planned to work with BHE staff, legislative staff, and higher education partners to develop a draft proposal and build advocacy for performance funding.  Today, I will share with you the agency’s efforts and the activities I have conducted since February aimed at meeting this goal, the progress and outcomes of those activities, and the next steps in the process. 6

7 Performance Funding II. IBHE Efforts & Activities A. Meetings with Legislators & Staff B. Committee Hearings C. Meetings with Higher Education Partners D. Other Efforts & Activities 7

8 Performance Funding II. IBHE Efforts & Activities A. Meetings with Legislators & Legislative Staff  Senator Ed Maloney  Senate Democratic Staff  Senate Republican Staff  Representative Chapin Rose  House Democratic Staff  Senator Dan Kotowski  House Republican Staff 8

9 Performance Funding II. IBHE Efforts & Activities B. Committee Hearings  House Committee Hearing (HB 1503) 2/24/11  Senate Committee Hearing (SB 1773) 3/15/11  House Higher Education Appropriation Hearing 3/17/11  Senate Higher Education Appropriation Hearing 5/4/11 9

10 Performance Funding II. IBHE Efforts & Activities C. Meetings with Higher Education Partners  Staff attended the Complete College America academy to discuss performance funding and other goals  Public Universities  Community College President’s Council Meeting  Federation of Independent Illinois Colleges and Universities 10

11 Performance Funding II. IBHE Efforts & Activities D. Other Efforts & Activities  Fiscal Note for HB 1503  Developed draft testimony on SB 1773  Developed 1-Page Briefing Document  Met with Senate Republican Staff  Briefed Chief Academic Officers  Met with House Democratic Staff  Met with House Republican Staff  Met with Senate Democratic Staff 11

12 Performance Funding III. Progress A. Endorsements/Support  In Committee, performance funding has been supported by ISAC, FIICU, and various institutions.  Unanimously supported by the Community College Presidents Council  Senate President has voiced strong support for performance funding  House Higher Education Appropriations Committee Chairman supports performance funding 12

13 Performance Funding III. Progress B. Outcomes  House Bill 1503 Representative Chapin Rose  Amended to match SB 1773  Passed the House 102-0. 4/5/11  Senate Bill 1773 Senator Ed Maloney  Directs IBHE to integrate PF into the FY13 budget process  Passed out of Committee 3/15/11 13

14 Performance Funding III. Progress B. Outcomes  HB 1503 & SB 1773:  The IBHE is directed to form a broad-based working group to devise a system for allocating resources to achieve state goals  Beginning in FY2013, performance funding must be incorporated into the IBHE Budget Recommendations  Consult with higher education stakeholders  Formula should recognize the needs of students who are academically or financially at-risk  Unique Institutional missions shall be considered  Metrics must be designed to Maintain Quality 14

15 Performance Funding IV. Next Steps A. Continue to Advocate and Support Performance Funding Legislation B. Implement the Legislation C. Establish Broad-based working groups, develop criteria, create models, etc. D. Incorporate Performance Funding in the FY 2013 Budget Development Process 15

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