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Eurasian Food Security Network Prof. Alexander Makeev, Eurasian Center for Food Security

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Presentation on theme: "Eurasian Food Security Network Prof. Alexander Makeev, Eurasian Center for Food Security"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eurasian Food Security Network Prof. Alexander Makeev, Eurasian Center for Food Security

2 About ECFS The Russian Federation, has been increasing its response to global food security concerns through multilateral channels, including financing the establishment of a new Eurasian Center for Food Security (ECFS). The ECFS will provide research and advisory services on food security matters to beneficiaries in the Eurasian region and is expected to evolve into an internationally recognized agricultural research center of excellence. Mission : to enhance agricultural performance in the Eurasia Region and to ensure the sustainability of rural development and natural resource management through the provision of analytically based (policy and technical) recommendations and associated technical assistance, with the overarching goal of increasing Russia's contribution to global food security. Vision : an internationally recognized agricultural research center that will make effective contributions towards solving food security issues in Eurasia and globally. Strategy : center of excellence that will become an important member of the global network of agricultural expertise, catalyzing agricultural development in the Eurasia Region.

3 Potential of Moscow State University Local branches in the focus area ( Astana, Kazakhstan; Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, Baku, Azerbaijan, Yerevan, Armenia). E-learning facilities Multimedia classes Experience in GIS Geoportal Research education & communication


5 Branded web page Emphasis on Focus countries (Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan) First e-consultation: Towards a Eurasian Soil Partnership for food security and sustainable development Second e-consultation: Food Security issues in the Eurasian region: major challenges and G8/G20 initiatives in relation with the regional situation



8 Experts analyses Donor project descriptions Project reports ECFS Bulletins E-consultation reports Self-submission mechanism by network participants

9 Data bases submitted by network participants

10 MSU Geoportal for Network participants



13 ECFS Education programs – Masters programs – Long-life courses – Consultation bureau

14 Структура магистерской программы в МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова

15 ECFS Master’s programs Land and water resource management for Food Security Agrifood management


17 Land and water resource management for Food Security

18 Виды дополнительного образования в МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова

19 Long-life training courses – Component of Master’s programs – Practically oriented short courses (for politicians, extension services, etc) – Based-on-demand courses

20 MSU Faculties – Economy, Soil Science, Geogrephy, Law, etc. Programs of partner institutions – Russian – Euraisian – International (Catalonia, Stanford, Michigan, etc.) Programs of ECFS strategic partners – FAO courses – World Bank courses – ICARDA – IFPRI Source programs for e-courses



23 ОСНОВНЫЕ НАПРАВЛЕНИЯ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ ЦДО НП МГУ Техническая и административная поддержка портала Организация и администрирование Интернет серверов дистанционного обучения Разработка систем дистанционного обучения Отбор и адаптация и оптимальных программных средств Разработка административной модели управления обучающей системой Разработка и создание учебных дистанционных курсов Административно-финансовая поддержка процесса дистанционного обучения. Электронный деканат Организация записи слушателей на курсы Организация процесса подписания договоров между подразделениями МГУ и слушателями дистанционных курсов Организация приема оплаты за обучение для подразделений МГУ, информационная поддержка бухгалтерий факультетов. Размещение заявок на организацию курсов, работа с описанием, сроками проведения, открытием записи, определением стоимости курса и пр.



26 Рабочий стол модератора (виден всем участникам) Участники вебинара Чат Блок управления участниками Документ для обсуждения (можно пользоваться указкой)


28 Контроль и учет работы студентов Логи посещаемость Оценки успеваемость Рейтинги сравнительная успеваемость, здоровая соревновательность Шкалы Электронный дневник на Отправка сообщений преподавателю Зайти в дневник



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